"Steve DeMars"

15/05/2006 11:39 PM


I currently belong to a few forums . . . Is there a reason this group does
not have a forum with a WEB site . . . How hard would it be to do this?
Would this not eliminate the "crap" postings . . Any suggestions
appreciated . . . I have not found any woodworking forums . .

This topic has 29 replies


Guess who

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 8:01 AM

On Tue, 16 May 2006 02:34:39 -0500, Enoch Root <[email protected]>

>Perhaps it is that most consider it cowardly and unamerican to give
>up their freedom (to do whatever they want while acknowledging their
>responsibilities to their fellow man) in exchange for the security
>that a moderator would provide.

They seem to have missed out on the last part. Giving the devil his
due, I belong to a local private newsgroup that has been completely
bankrupt, largely by the efforts of one person who finally declared
himself the moderator, being somehow employed by that ISP. People
simply left, as he played the Wizard of Oz, pulling levers and strings
in the background, and sticking his nose into each and every bit of
conversation. Now, all you'll see are a long, long list of his
personal "contributions", with a few odd replies from fellow
employees, the number of which can be counted on one hand. I left
some time back.

It's a constant argument. People have a right to smoke [even though
it makes them stink, they have the right.] They have a right to run
around naked. They just don't have that right in a mixed society that
generally condemns it. Yup, it's the last part that's missing.



in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 12:09 PM

Steve DeMars wrote:
> Hey asshole I was not complaining, I was only curious as to what is involved
> in starting a forum . . .so suck my ass you self righteous propeller head
> geek. I am not as knowledgeable as a lot about this WEB stuff as some . . .
> I have a fucking life away from the keyboard . . so again "SUCK MY ASS ! !
> ! That applies to any other dickless wonder out there too . .

You kiss your mom with that mouth?

I'm glad you have a life.

And it's Mr. Asshole #93 to you bud.


Larry Blanchard

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 7:35 PM

Steve DeMars wrote:

> Hey asshole I was not complaining, I was only curious as to what is
> involved in starting a forum  . . .so suck my ass you self righteous
> propeller head geek. I am not as knowledgeable as a lot about this WEB
> stuff as some . . . I have a fucking life away from the keyboard . . 
> so again "SUCK MY ASS ! ! ! That applies to any other dickless wonder
> out there too . .

Steve, there are lots of folks on this group willing to help each other
with woodworking or other problems. But responding to an irritating
post with a stream of profanity is not likely to increase folks
willingness to help.

Best thing to do to an irritating post is ignore it.

And yes, I don't always succeed in doing that either. But I don't
remember using a lot of Anglo-Saxon in my replies :-).

It's turtles, all the way down


Dave Balderstone

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 10:59 PM

In article <[email protected]>, Mark & Juanita
<[email protected]> wrote:

> Refined, gracious, and articulate, ain't he?

Bad language on the wreck?

Heavens to Murgatroid!

Itt's amusing, isn't it, to watch the trolls roll though...


"I Love Lucy"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 12:18 PM

"Enoch Root" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On 2006-05-16, Steve DeMars <[email protected]> ranted thusly:
>> I currently belong to a few forums . . . Is there a reason this group
>> does
>> not have a forum with a WEB site . . . How hard would it be to do
>> this?
>> Would this not eliminate the "crap" postings . . Any suggestions
>> appreciated . . . I have not found any woodworking forums . .
> Perhaps it is that most consider it cowardly and unamerican to give
> up their freedom (to do whatever they want while acknowledging their
> responsibilities to their fellow man) in exchange for the security
> that a moderator would provide. They want to deal with the terror
> on a more personal level, and acquire the weapons to do so.

Yup, I usually just lurk around here for years off and on because I have
projects that I want to know the best way to go about doing them.

Don't let the ba$tard$ win.

> :)
> er
> --
> email not valid


Oleg Lego

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 1:26 PM

The Steve DeMars entity posted thusly:

>Well I don't remember you commenting to me . . . so why you got your nose in

Welcome to usenet.

If there's one truth you should accept from all this, it's that you
reap what you sow.



in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

21/05/2006 1:44 AM

By Tue, 16 May 2006 20:24:34 -0500, [email protected] ()
decided to post "Re: Forum" to rec.woodworking:

>Of course no usenet thread would be complete without at least one:
>"me too"

Man, this flame war was weak. Why did I bother reading it?

It's a poser.



find / -iname "*gw*" -exec rm -rf {} \;

In heaven, there is no beer,
That's why we drink it here,
And when we're all gone from here,
Our friends will be drinking all the beer!
-- Famous old Czech song about beer --


Oleg Lego

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 12:04 PM

The Steve DeMars entity posted thusly:

>Hey asshole I was not complaining, I was only curious as to what is involved
>in starting a forum

That's why I said what I said.

> . . .so suck my ass you self righteous propeller head
>geek. I am not as knowledgeable as a lot about this WEB stuff as some . . .

That's why I said what I said.

>I have a fucking life away from the keyboard . . so again "SUCK MY ASS ! !
>! That applies to any other dickless wonder out there too . .



Tom Watson

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 8:45 PM

On Mon, 15 May 2006 23:39:51 -0500, "Steve DeMars"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>I currently belong to a few forums . . . Is there a reason this group does
>not have a forum with a WEB site . . . How hard would it be to do this?
>Would this not eliminate the "crap" postings . . Any suggestions
>appreciated . . . I have not found any woodworking forums . .

Steve, if I have your leave to call you that, and I only mean the
familiarity in a neighborly way - rec.woodworking, aka rec.norm, aka
The Wreck, is a special sorta place in the sphere of Uselessnet.

There are never more than about three hundred posters who are active
in the course of a year.

There are far fewer who are active on a weekly basis.

There are only a piddling amount of folks who chime in every day.

It is a closely held community of wooddorkers, most of whom have known
each other for more than five years.

If you hang out here for a bit you will find the usual range of
humans. Some folks are gems and others are dross.

We have never felt a need for moderation because the group is
basically self-moderating. If someone is being an asshole on a given
day, the group will let them know - bigtime.

I have always found it to be a place of fair minded exchage, albeit
somewhat suspect of new ideas, not backed up by demonstrable evidence
- which seems fair.

The group seems to be generally intolerant of coarse language,
although they enjoy the occassional rough joke - like the kind my
Uncle Al tells from time to time.

I can tell you that the way to fit in is to hang in and take the lumps
that come with being the FNG in any group that you have ever tried to
be in.

The Wreck is a fair place. It has been for all of the time that I've
hung out here, and that goes back to 1994.

Tell us what you know. Ask us what you don't know. Don't try to
change the place because it never has and it prolly never will - that
seems fair, too.

Welcome to the Wreck, Brother.

I wish you much enjoyment of it.


Tom Watson

tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)


"Steve DeMars"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 9:48 AM

Don't get too excited I'm gonna stay A$$^0@!

"Edwin Pawlowski" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Steve DeMars" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:KRkag.65560$5Z.36368@dukeread02...
> > Thanks everyone . . . I'm sorry I just looked at this group as a way to
> > gain
> > "experience" in an accelerated manner . . . without losing body parts or
> > mass amounts of good wood turned to saw dust . . .
> >
> > But I now understand the freedom aspect . . . seems unimportant now
> > everyone still worshiping the puppet masters . . .
> >
> > Bush & Cheney . . . .
> >
> > Steve
> So, you visited, tried to change things to suit yourself, found we like it
> as is, then you blame the President. Shows who the real $%&*# is.
> Sorry to see you go. No, wait, I'm not sorry. Bye.


Enoch Root

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 2:34 AM

On 2006-05-16, Steve DeMars <[email protected]> ranted thusly:
> I currently belong to a few forums . . . Is there a reason this group does
> not have a forum with a WEB site . . . How hard would it be to do this?
> Would this not eliminate the "crap" postings . . Any suggestions
> appreciated . . . I have not found any woodworking forums . .

Perhaps it is that most consider it cowardly and unamerican to give
up their freedom (to do whatever they want while acknowledging their
responsibilities to their fellow man) in exchange for the security
that a moderator would provide. They want to deal with the terror
on a more personal level, and acquire the weapons to do so.


email not valid


"Steve DeMars"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 8:56 AM

Thanks everyone . . . I'm sorry I just looked at this group as a way to gain
"experience" in an accelerated manner . . . without losing body parts or
mass amounts of good wood turned to saw dust . . .

But I now understand the freedom aspect . . . seems unimportant now with
everyone still worshiping the puppet masters . . .

Bush & Cheney . . . .


"Steve DeMars" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> I currently belong to a few forums . . . Is there a reason this group does
> not have a forum with a WEB site . . . How hard would it be to do this?
> Would this not eliminate the "crap" postings . . Any suggestions
> appreciated . . . I have not found any woodworking forums . .


"Steve DeMars"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 1:11 PM

To all you have misunderstood my post . . . Yes I am ignorant as to USENET
vs a moderated forum . . . I apologize for my ignorance. The reason I
suggested a forum is I enjoy and appreciate all the help I have received
here. I viewed the "trash" post as something that was permanent . . . I had
already contacted my I.P. to get server space for a forum, but had no idea
what was involved in operating one . . nor did I realize how one was run .
. . again I apologize for my lack of knowledge in this area . . .

As to the people that took it upon themselves to belittle and insult me . .
. .you guys can SUCK MY ASS ! ! !

Big men behind your keyboard aren't you . . dweeb ! ! ! propeller heads . .

Thank you. . . and I will be here . . . P.S. anyone who would like to
"explain" in person . . . let me know, that I understand and am very
proficient at . . come on down . . . assholes . . .

"Steve DeMars" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> I currently belong to a few forums . . . Is there a reason this group does
> not have a forum with a WEB site . . . How hard would it be to do this?
> Would this not eliminate the "crap" postings . . Any suggestions
> appreciated . . . I have not found any woodworking forums . .


"Steve DeMars"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 7:15 PM

Thanks . . . I ntend to follow your advice . . .

Thanks again . . . steve

"Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Steve DeMars (in NAoag.65572$5Z.18862@dukeread02) said:
> | To all you have misunderstood my post . . . Yes I am ignorant as to
> | USENET vs a moderated forum . . . I apologize for my ignorance. The
> | reason I suggested a forum is I enjoy and appreciate all the help I
> | have received here. I viewed the "trash" post as something that was
> | permanent . . . I had already contacted my I.P. to get server space
> | for a forum, but had no idea what was involved in operating one . .
> | nor did I realize how one was run . . . again I apologize for my
> | lack of knowledge in this area . . .
> <remainder snipped>
> 'S ok. We all started out not knowing much. The trash will age and
> become invisible before long. Perhaps it would help you to know that,
> as with most usenet "help" fora, people are upset to one degree or
> another whenever someone dumps their load of manure where we like to
> meet - and we're all subject to bad days.
> There's a lot of practical woodworking expertise on tap here - and
> most of the people with that expertise are here because they enjoy
> sharing it with other people. The guys you locked horns with have
> given evidence over an extended period that [a] they're good people
> and [b] they're pretty savvy woodworkers. I'd encourage you to cut 'em
> some slack because they've earned it.
> Welcome to usenet and the wreck.
> --
> Morris Dovey
> DeSoto Solar
> DeSoto, Iowa USA


"Tom Nie"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 10:32 AM

Thanks for the sawmill creek link

My favorite web ww forum is much smaller, Sawmill Creek
> Tightly monitored (and yes, that does have its
> drawbacks. open to guest browsing, but only members can post, with
> their full names--no handles. Keeps it very civil (maybe sometimes too
> civil, if an atrocious idea is not soundly enough condemned). But lots
> of folks there (particularly in the design and neander forums) really
> know their stuff.
> Finally another option I will probably kick myself for mentioning:
> google groups tries to make usenet work like a web forum.
> Unfortunately, a large number of google group users use it like a web
> forum, with no quoting of articles to which they are replying, etc.,
> and as a result, many folks just set filters to ignore posts coming
> from google groups. As a result, you might find this group less
> responsive to your questions if you go that route.
> --
> Alex -- Replace "nospam" with "mail" to reply by email. Checked
> infrequently.


"Morris Dovey"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

17/05/2006 2:41 AM

Fly-by-Night CC (in
[email protected]) said:

| In article <[email protected]>,
| Tom Watson <[email protected]> wrote:
|| The Wreck is a fair place. It has been for all of the time that
|| I've hung out here, and that goes back to 1994.

Well... Let that be a lesson to you!


Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA


"Steve DeMars"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 2:33 PM

You are a bored old moron . .

"Oleg Lego" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> The Steve DeMars entity posted thusly:
> >Well I don't remember you commenting to me . . . so why you got your nose
> >in it "LOSER ASSHOLE"
> Welcome to usenet.
> If there's one truth you should accept from all this, it's that you
> reap what you sow.


"Steve DeMars"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 2:13 PM

Well I don't remember you commenting to me . . . so why you got your nose in
"Slowhand" <I'[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Steve DeMars wrote:
> > Hey asshole I was not complaining, I was only curious as to what is
> > in starting a forum . . .so suck my ass you self righteous propeller
> > geek. I am not as knowledgeable as a lot about this WEB stuff as some .
. .
> > I have a fucking life away from the keyboard . . so again "SUCK MY ASS
! !
> > ! That applies to any other dickless wonder out there too . .
> You kiss your mom with that mouth?
> I'm glad you have a life.
> And it's Mr. Asshole #93 to you bud.
> SH



in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

17/05/2006 2:24 AM

I get it. You want the OTHER slime to leave so you can have top honors.

"Steve DeMars" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Hey asshole I was not complaining, I was only curious as to what is
> in starting a forum . . .so suck my ass you self righteous propeller head
> geek. I am not as knowledgeable as a lot about this WEB stuff as some . .
> I have a fucking life away from the keyboard . . so again "SUCK MY ASS !
> ! That applies to any other dickless wonder out there too . .


"Steve DeMars"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 12:52 PM

Hey asshole I was not complaining, I was only curious as to what is involved
in starting a forum . . .so suck my ass you self righteous propeller head
geek. I am not as knowledgeable as a lot about this WEB stuff as some . . .
I have a fucking life away from the keyboard . . so again "SUCK MY ASS ! !
! That applies to any other dickless wonder out there too . .

"Oleg Lego" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> The Steve DeMars entity posted thusly:
> >Thanks everyone . . . I'm sorry I just looked at this group as a way to
> >"experience" in an accelerated manner . . . without losing body parts or
> >mass amounts of good wood turned to saw dust . . .
> Nothing stopping you from doing so, except yourself, that is.
> >But I now understand the freedom aspect . . .
> "the freedom aspect", as you put it, may not be what you think it is.
> Just as you are free to visit, read, write to, or complain about this
> newsgroup, you are equally free to ignore it. Bear in mind that others
> are equally free to do the same.
> You are also free to start a moderated forum, be it web-based or
> usenet based (you might try learning the difference). There are, as
> others have pointed out, web-based fora you can participate in. It's
> up to you to decide where you go to get your information, just as it's
> up to everyone else to do the same.
> That you see many folks participating here is de facto proof that not
> everyone agrees with your opinion. That's another aspect of freedom,
> bub. You put your opinion out there for everyone to see, and you can
> be virtually certain that there will be those that disagree with it.
> Get used to it.
> > seems unimportant now with
> >everyone still worshiping the puppet masters . . .
> Bush/Cheney have nothing to do with it. Sometimes a cigar is just a
> cigar.
> >> I currently belong to a few forums . . . Is there a reason this group
> >> not have a forum with a WEB site . . .
> Yes. It's a newsgroup. It's usenet. Look it up.
> >> How hard would it be to do this?
> No idea. I don't feel obligated to provide you with a forum and a way
> to look at it.
> >> Would this not eliminate the "crap" postings . .
> Maybe, but then, it might not. If it did, it might eliminate some (or
> many) non-crap postings too. A forum isn't much use if it's moderated
> by someone who kills postings that he disagrees with, and many
> moderators have found out the hard way that they are preaching to
> empty pews.
> >> Any suggestions appreciated . . .
> I suggest you do what you think is right for you, and stop whining
> that your needs are not being met by a random bunch of folks that are
> under no obligation to satisfy your every whim.
> >> I have not found any woodworking forums . .
> 1. You haven't looked hard enough
> 2. You haven't acted on the (at least 2) postings that pointed you to
> some.
> Come back when you've grown up. Or not, it's your choice.


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

17/05/2006 2:44 AM

"Steve DeMars" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Don't get too excited I'm gonna stay A$$^0@!

Thanks, this will be so much fun ! ! !



in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 9:23 AM

"Steve DeMars" <[email protected]> wrote:

>I currently belong to a few forums . . . Is there a reason this group does
>not have a forum with a WEB site . . . How hard would it be to do this?
>Would this not eliminate the "crap" postings . . Any suggestions
>appreciated . . . I have not found any woodworking forums . .

Most of us prefer the conversation dynamics of a usenet group, despite
occasional troubles like this. But for those poor misguided souls <g>
who prefer a web interface, there are several good ww web forums.
Two big ones are and Wood
central (I believe) has archives of the grand daddy of web ww forums,
Badger Pond. Both are good resources, although I find the forums
themselves a real pain compared to usenet.

My favorite web ww forum is much smaller, Sawmill Creek Tightly monitored (and yes, that does have its
drawbacks. open to guest browsing, but only members can post, with
their full names--no handles. Keeps it very civil (maybe sometimes too
civil, if an atrocious idea is not soundly enough condemned). But lots
of folks there (particularly in the design and neander forums) really
know their stuff.

Finally another option I will probably kick myself for mentioning:
google groups tries to make usenet work like a web forum.
Unfortunately, a large number of google group users use it like a web
forum, with no quoting of articles to which they are replying, etc.,
and as a result, many folks just set filters to ignore posts coming
from google groups. As a result, you might find this group less
responsive to your questions if you go that route.
Alex -- Replace "nospam" with "mail" to reply by email. Checked infrequently.


in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 8:24 PM

Of course no usenet thread would be complete without at least one:

"me too"


Larry Wasserman Baltimore, Maryland
[email protected]


"Morris Dovey"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 5:40 PM

Steve DeMars (in NAoag.65572$5Z.18862@dukeread02) said:

| To all you have misunderstood my post . . . Yes I am ignorant as to
| USENET vs a moderated forum . . . I apologize for my ignorance. The
| reason I suggested a forum is I enjoy and appreciate all the help I
| have received here. I viewed the "trash" post as something that was
| permanent . . . I had already contacted my I.P. to get server space
| for a forum, but had no idea what was involved in operating one . .
| nor did I realize how one was run . . . again I apologize for my
| lack of knowledge in this area . . .

<remainder snipped>

'S ok. We all started out not knowing much. The trash will age and
become invisible before long. Perhaps it would help you to know that,
as with most usenet "help" fora, people are upset to one degree or
another whenever someone dumps their load of manure where we like to
meet - and we're all subject to bad days.

There's a lot of practical woodworking expertise on tap here - and
most of the people with that expertise are here because they enjoy
sharing it with other people. The guys you locked horns with have
given evidence over an extended period that [a] they're good people
and [b] they're pretty savvy woodworkers. I'd encourage you to cut 'em
some slack because they've earned it.

Welcome to usenet and the wreck.

Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA


Oleg Lego

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 9:07 AM

The Steve DeMars entity posted thusly:

>Thanks everyone . . . I'm sorry I just looked at this group as a way to gain
>"experience" in an accelerated manner . . . without losing body parts or
>mass amounts of good wood turned to saw dust . . .

Nothing stopping you from doing so, except yourself, that is.

>But I now understand the freedom aspect . . .

"the freedom aspect", as you put it, may not be what you think it is.

Just as you are free to visit, read, write to, or complain about this
newsgroup, you are equally free to ignore it. Bear in mind that others
are equally free to do the same.

You are also free to start a moderated forum, be it web-based or
usenet based (you might try learning the difference). There are, as
others have pointed out, web-based fora you can participate in. It's
up to you to decide where you go to get your information, just as it's
up to everyone else to do the same.

That you see many folks participating here is de facto proof that not
everyone agrees with your opinion. That's another aspect of freedom,
bub. You put your opinion out there for everyone to see, and you can
be virtually certain that there will be those that disagree with it.
Get used to it.

> seems unimportant now with
>everyone still worshiping the puppet masters . . .

Bush/Cheney have nothing to do with it. Sometimes a cigar is just a

>> I currently belong to a few forums . . . Is there a reason this group does
>> not have a forum with a WEB site . . .

Yes. It's a newsgroup. It's usenet. Look it up.

>> How hard would it be to do this?

No idea. I don't feel obligated to provide you with a forum and a way
to look at it.

>> Would this not eliminate the "crap" postings . .

Maybe, but then, it might not. If it did, it might eliminate some (or
many) non-crap postings too. A forum isn't much use if it's moderated
by someone who kills postings that he disagrees with, and many
moderators have found out the hard way that they are preaching to
empty pews.

>> Any suggestions appreciated . . .

I suggest you do what you think is right for you, and stop whining
that your needs are not being met by a random bunch of folks that are
under no obligation to satisfy your every whim.

>> I have not found any woodworking forums . .

1. You haven't looked hard enough
2. You haven't acted on the (at least 2) postings that pointed you to

Come back when you've grown up. Or not, it's your choice.


Mark & Juanita

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 8:55 PM

On Tue, 16 May 2006 12:52:38 -0500, "Steve DeMars" <[email protected]>

... snip of top-posted potty-mouth

Refined, gracious, and articulate, ain't he? ;-)

... snip


If you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough



Fly-by-Night CC

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

17/05/2006 9:45 AM

In article <[email protected]>,
"Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Well... Let that be a lesson to you!
> :-)

You got that right!

(BTW, just discovered the Hitler emoticon!)
Owen Lowe
The Fly-by-Night Copper Company

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the
Corporate States of America and to the
Republicans for which it stands, one nation,
under debt, easily divisible, with liberty
and justice for oil."
- Wiley Miller, Non Sequitur, 1/24/05


Fly-by-Night CC

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 10:43 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
Tom Watson <[email protected]> wrote:

> The Wreck is a fair place. It has been for all of the time that I've
> hung out here, and that goes back to 1994.

Owen Lowe
The Fly-by-Night Copper Company

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the
Corporate States of America and to the
Republicans for which it stands, one nation,
under debt, easily divisible, with liberty
and justice for oil."
- Wiley Miller, Non Sequitur, 1/24/05


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to "Steve DeMars" on 15/05/2006 11:39 PM

16/05/2006 2:36 PM

"Steve DeMars" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Thanks everyone . . . I'm sorry I just looked at this group as a way to
> gain
> "experience" in an accelerated manner . . . without losing body parts or
> mass amounts of good wood turned to saw dust . . .
> But I now understand the freedom aspect . . . seems unimportant now with
> everyone still worshiping the puppet masters . . .
> Bush & Cheney . . . .
> Steve

So, you visited, tried to change things to suit yourself, found we like it
as is, then you blame the President. Shows who the real $%&*# is.

Sorry to see you go. No, wait, I'm not sorry. Bye.

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