Saturday October 30th
7 AM - 11 AM
3419 C Street NE # 16
Auburn WA 98002
Shop phone(cell) 425 891 0813
Just a few extra things around the shop
Come by to have a look or just stop in to say Hi
Cherry Veneer Shorts ---5 cents a square foot
8" - 20" wide 24" - 36" long
this is a good deal on the veneers - greatl for bent laminations or small
Old Stanley Dome Top Router 1hp needs switch (1950's ?) $40
Rockwell Speedblock Sander $20
Black & Decker Radial Arm Saw $40
4' x 8' Curly Maple Veneer nicely figured -paper back $70
Darrell Peart Furnituremaker