There is a "craftman 20" bandsaw" for sale in my local paper for $175.00. I
would like a big one to be able to do resawing. I currrently have a Delta 14",
but it has a small motor and no riser kit. Do any of you have one like this or
seen it. I am betting it's an import, and I worry about parts availabilty, and
also if the thing is worth bringing home. Give me your thoughts before I visit
and get the all excited about buying a new tool.
ToolMiser wrote:
> There is a "craftman 20" bandsaw" for sale in my local paper for $175.00.
> I
> would like a big one to be able to do resawing. I currrently have a Delta
> 14",
> but it has a small motor and no riser kit. Do any of you have one like
> this or
> seen it. I am betting it's an import, and I worry about parts
> availabilty, and
> also if the thing is worth bringing home. Give me your thoughts before I
> visit and get the all excited about buying a new tool.
Go look at it.
For 175 bucks if it's really a 20" bandsaw it would have to be in pretty bad
shape to not be worthwhile. Even if it costs you a thousand bucks to fix
it you're still money ahead.
20" is outside the range where you commonly encounter cheaply made consumer
I'd be willing to bet though that when you get there you'll find that it's
not really a 20".
With Craftsman, unless it's so old (as in decades, not months) that they've
run out of parts and can't get more, parts should not be an issue.
> Thanks!
Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)
Most all consumer bandsaws are imports nowadays (including Delta) and
though there are some differences between Taiwanese and mainland China
quality controls and fit and finish, in general they do a good job for
what they are intended to do. I would not worry about parts from Sears,
as that is one of the main reasons to buy their products - their parts
availability is and has always been simply without peer. I would call
the seller and ask him how he feels about letting you take it for a test
drive. If he is open to it (and I really cannot imagine him not being)
take some oak over and try it out. Check the wheels, tires, bearings,
guides, etc. for obvious problems. If there aren't any or they are
minor you just might have yourself a new toy ...
ToolMiser wrote:
> There is a "craftman 20" bandsaw" for sale in my local paper for $175.00. I
> would like a big one to be able to do resawing. I currrently have a Delta 14",
> but it has a small motor and no riser kit. Do any of you have one like this or
> seen it. I am betting it's an import, and I worry about parts availabilty, and
> also if the thing is worth bringing home. Give me your thoughts before I visit
> and get the all excited about buying a new tool.
> Thanks!
On 26 Jul 2004 10:56:14 GMT, [email protected] (ToolMiser) wrote:
>There is a "craftman 20" bandsaw" for sale in my local paper for $175.00. I
>would like a big one to be able to do resawing. I currrently have a Delta 14",
>but it has a small motor and no riser kit. Do any of you have one like this or
>seen it. I am betting it's an import, and I worry about parts availabilty, and
>also if the thing is worth bringing home. Give me your thoughts before I visit
>and get the all excited about buying a new tool.
I have an 18" bandsaw made by parks in the (IIRC) late 60's for
craftsman. it's a beast. here's what it looks like:
if it's one of those for $175, buy it.