In the last few days a german group of nazis, calles "Koeln objektiv",
is trying to influence children by giving free "newspapers" with extrem
nazi-propaganda to them.
Tell them, what you think about it!
[email protected]
Don't let the nazis come back!
Dave Bugg wrote:
> [email protected] wrote:
>> In the last few days a german group of nazis, calles "Koeln
>> objektiv", is trying to influence children by giving free
>> "newspapers" with extrem nazi-propaganda to them.
> Over here, they're called "PETA".
You're not the sharpest tack in the box, are you?
FUP set.
"The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without
formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to
deny him the judgement of his peers, is in the highest degree
odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government
whether Nazi or Communist." -- W. Churchill, Nov 21, 1943
[email protected] wrote:
> In the last few days a german group of nazis, calles "Koeln objektiv",
> is trying to influence children by giving free "newspapers" with extrem
> nazi-propaganda to them.
> Tell them, what you think about it!
> [email protected]
> Don't let the nazis come back!
$ which nazi
/usr/bin/which: no nazi in
$ man nazi
No manual entry for nazi
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]
> In the last few days a german group of nazis, calles "Koeln objektiv",
> is trying to influence children by giving free "newspapers" with
> extrem nazi-propaganda to them.
Geez, Godwin's Law almost with the first post.
On Friday 18 August 2006 09:03, Patrick stood up and spoke the following
words to the masses in /comp.os.linux.misc...:/
> <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]
>> In the last few days a german group of nazis, calles "Koeln
>> objektiv", is trying to influence children by giving free
>> "newspapers" with extrem nazi-propaganda to them.
> Geez, Godwin's Law almost with the first post.
Godwin's Law does not apply here since neo-Nazi's _are_ the very subject
of the post. Don't abuse Godwin's Law to avoid having to speak of an
unfortunately still existing ideology.
Furthermore, Godwin's Law is not a law at all but just Godwin's own
conclusion that whomever brings up a *comparison* with the Nazis as an
argument in a discussion has no other (and more valid) arguments left
for his case and therefore loses the debate by default.
This has however led to a frenzy of grasping on to Godwin's Law whenever
the Nazi's are mentioned, even if a comparison would be justified,
since the Nazis were responsible for a lot more than just genocide - it
was after all a fascist regime and certain aspects of such a regime can
and may be used as an illustration when talking about similarly
behaving corporate or governmental organizations.
However, the Godwin frenzy exists, and if - say - I (or anyone) were to
write that I (or anyone) saw someone the other day who has the exact
same mustache as Adolf Hitler had, _some_ idiot is bound to invoke
Godwin's Law as an excuse to rally other posters into /plonking/ the
thread. This is nothing other than pure opportunism and delusion.
Making the Nazis a taboo is not going to undo what they did, or what
others are trying to do, either in or not in memory/worship of their
evil ideologies.
On the other hand, this whole thread is completely off-topic in a
technical newsgroup about GNU/Linux and should have been directed at
socio-cultural and political newsgroups. I also don't see what makes
/rec.woodworking/ or /soc.retirement/ eligible for the reception of
this thread. And the follow-up is set to /comp.os.linux.misc,/ which
makes it even more ludicrous.
But then again, the OP is a Google Groups poster, and we *all* know how
intelligent *they* are statistically, don't we?
*evil grin*
With kind regards,
(Registered GNU/Linux user #223157)
[email protected] wrote:
> In the last few days a german group of nazis, calles "Koeln objektiv",
> is trying to influence children by giving free "newspapers" with
> extrem nazi-propaganda to them.
Over here, they're called "PETA".
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The Internet standard for MIME PGP messages, RFC 2015, was published in 1996.
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Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="US-ASCII"
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Usenet Beavis writes:
> Crossposts reduced to three groups because I got spanked by
> [email protected]
> On comp.os.linux.misc, in <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" wrote:
> Correction: My mental superior, who calls himself
> "[email protected]" wrote:
> <article downloaded and read:>
Thank you for your kookfart, Beavis.
> Have a good time pointing your finger at me and laughing, my mental
> superior.
We always do.
> Consider using me as an example of the dangers of drinking during
> pregnancy.
Thank you for your kind offer.
> Note: I will definitely, and positively, be downloading every article in
> this thread.
And you will love every byte of each and every one.
> Beavis
> --
> The Usenet Beavis auto-larter is the best kookbag blocker in the
> world. The Beavis can't beat it, and you don't need to bother
> smacking his bitch up, because the auto-larter will do it for you.
> A brief introduction:
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Crossposts reduced to Netiquette limit of three groups.
On comp.os.linux.misc, in <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" wrote:
Correction: Someone who _sometimes_ calls himself
"[email protected]" wrote:
<article not downloaded:>
Have a good time talking to your own sockpuppets, Idiot Troll.
Consider getting a life worth living.
Note: I won't be downloading any articles on this thread.
Challenge-Response Systems are the best garbage-mail blockers
in the world. Spammers and trolls can't beat them and you
don't need to be a geek to use them. A brief introduction:
Who is Alan Connor?
A troll and kook, you be better of just killfile him.
Alan Connor is the inventor and implementor of the final ultimate
solution to the spam problem, and everyone who dares claim otherwise
is a spammer.
That is basically the gist of the messages Alan sometimes spews into NANAE.
Alan Connor is appearently also trolling on many other newsgroups.
So what is he raving about?
In reality, Alan's system is known as a challenge-response or C/R system;
it auto-answers incoming email with a challenge and only lets the email
through if it receives a valid response. There are several problems with
this concept, but Alan doesn't want to hear them. In addition,
Alan's system isn't even a very good implementation of the C/R concept,
as it fails to address the chicken-egg problem that is inherent to C/R:
What if your C/R system sends a challenge to an email address that is
also protected by a C/R system? Because of this, Alan and Timo Salmi,
another C/R advocate, are unable to email eachother. So basically Alan's
system is a broken implementation of a flawed concept.
Also in the headers for Alan to read.