"Joe AutoDrill"

03/09/2009 11:34 AM

OT - BBQ Invite in NJ

Off topic, I know... But I do eventually want to meet some folks I talk to
here and there so...

My company is sponsoring this event and I'm also the promoter. Conflict of
interest? Nah. No profit for me, it all goes to charity.

GREAT food, great company and a good time.

If you happen to find yourself in the NJ area on September 26th, please feel
free to register and join us.

Family friendly and all that jazz...


Joe Agro, Jr.
(800) 871-5022
Automatic / Pneumatic Drills: http://www.AutoDrill.com
Multiple Spindle Drills: http://www.Multi-Drill.com
Production Tapping: http://Production-Tapping-Equipment.com/
Flagship Site: http://www.Drill-N-Tap.com
VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/user/AutoDrill
