

06/04/2010 6:45 AM

Wood Organizer

Organizer Software ListerPro V1.8
12 Programmable Listboxes / Unlimited Entries
Free Fully Functional Timed Version
One Entry Counter Per Listbox
BackUp Load and Save Options
Programmable ListBox Names
ListerPro Professional Ver 1.8
Bold Titles and Data Entry
Color Programmable
Cheap $40 via Paypal
Unlimited Support For Registered Users
Organize your lists in 12 Programmable Name ListBoxes, Keep track of
food items to buy, Todo Lists, Repair Lists, Maintenance Lists, To
Buy, ToDo, To Sell, To Call, To Design, To Make, To Order, To Modify
Etc. Great For Email /URL Lists, Grocery Lists, Cloths to Buy,
organize list manage reminder Etc.