I have recently purchased a Jet 650CK dust collector and I have hooked it up
to my Bosch 4000 table saw with the kind help of one of the readers of this
news group. I have attached the dust collector to the 2 1/2" dust collection
port and with a splitter I have another dust collection point at the bottom
of the saw where I have sealed in the stand with a board and Delta dust
collection hood. I am getting much less saw dust but the forward motion of
the saw blade still kicks dust outward towards the operator.
I notice that there is a 1" x 2" rectangular hole in the top of the blade
guard. I wonder if that is for some kind of shop made or purchasable
fitting to hook up a dust collection hose. In the book "Controlling Dust in
the Workshop" by Rick Peters, he talks about cutting a hole in your blade
guard and attaching a 2" hose. It seems like Bosch already thought of this
if that is what the 1" x 2" slot is for.
Have any of you tried doing this with your Bosch saw? If so, how did you
hook up your hose to the blade guard? Has it been effective?
Thank you for your help.
Dick Snyder
(If you want to email me rather than posting your reply, please remove the
string "REMOVE-" in front of my email address)