
[email protected] (Glenna Rose)

23/01/2005 6:03 PM

Re: The things we do for friends. Cutting down doors.

[email protected] writes:
>Bottom line: It went fine. I crosscut the bottoms using the old "slab
>of foam insulation on the floor" technique. For the rips I used a
>roller stand on the infeed and my router table as an outfeed table. I
>built the router table at just the right height to serve as an outfeed
>table. I fed the pine doors standing in front of and to the right of
>the fence, with a constant force in toward the fence. My friend guided
>them at the outfeed end.
>Before we cut the doors we practiced with an old hollow-core door that
>I had around.
>"If you don't practice on scrap, you're practicing on your project," as
>they say.

Congrats on a job well done. I'm very happy for you (and athe wives) that
it went well!
