"Lawrence L'Hote"

17/07/2004 4:28 PM

Just Back from Habitat for Humanity Outlet Store

Took my old(3 yrs) chiwanese bench grinder to Habitat and came back with a
load of wood. Gave them $5 for the whole stash. The triangular pieces in
the back are nearly 2" thick and the panels are made from 6" wide oak.
There are various other pieces, both white and red, in the pile. At the
front are some miscellaneous pieces of walnut..probably 2 bdft more or less.
The sheet metal I got next to their dumpster for some of my metal work. FWIW
that'sthe back end of the new F150 Lariat I got last month.

I'm probably the only one you know that goes out and buys some other
people's scraps for their projects.

Lawrence L'Hote
Columbia, MO

This topic has 4 replies


Gerald Ross

in reply to "Lawrence L'Hote" on 17/07/2004 4:28 PM

17/07/2004 1:34 PM

Lawrence L'Hote wrote:

> Took my old(3 yrs) chiwanese bench grinder to Habitat and came back with a
> load of wood. Gave them $5 for the whole stash. The triangular pieces in
> the back are nearly 2" thick and the panels are made from 6" wide oak.
> There are various other pieces, both white and red, in the pile. At the
> front are some miscellaneous pieces of walnut..probably 2 bdft more or less.
> The sheet metal I got next to their dumpster for some of my metal work. FWIW
> that'sthe back end of the new F150 Lariat I got last month.
> http://home.mchsi.com/~lhote5/habitatgloatbig.jpg
> I'm probably the only one you know that goes out and buys some other
> people's scraps for their projects.
> Larry
Yep, I could tell that was a Ford tailgate.


Gerald Ross, Cochran, GA
To reply add the numerals "13" before the "at"
People will die this year that never
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in reply to "Lawrence L'Hote" on 17/07/2004 4:28 PM

17/07/2004 5:44 PM

Lawrence L'Hote wrote:
[snip] FWIW
> that'sthe back end of the new F150 Lariat I got last month.
> http://home.mchsi.com/~lhote5/habitatgloatbig.jpg
> I'm probably the only one you know that goes out and buys some other
> people's scraps for their projects.
> Larry

You got the Ford out of a dumpster too??! Wow! Some find! Massive


"Norman D. Crow"

in reply to "Lawrence L'Hote" on 17/07/2004 4:28 PM

17/07/2004 8:47 PM

"jo4hn" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Lawrence L'Hote wrote:
> [snip] FWIW
> > that'sthe back end of the new F150 Lariat I got last month.
> > http://home.mchsi.com/~lhote5/habitatgloatbig.jpg
> >
> > I'm probably the only one you know that goes out and buys some other
> > people's scraps for their projects.
> >
> > Larry
> You got the Ford out of a dumpster too??! Wow! Some find! Massive
> suckage.

Didja get the cap outta the dumpster too? Huh? Huh?

The law of intelligent tinkering: save all the parts.

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in reply to "Lawrence L'Hote" on 17/07/2004 4:28 PM

17/07/2004 9:31 PM

Looks like a great pile of fire starter!



Radial Arm Saw Forum: http://forums.delphiforums.com/woodbutcher/start

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Lawrence L'Hote" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Took my old(3 yrs) chiwanese bench grinder to Habitat and came back with a
> load of wood. Gave them $5 for the whole stash. The triangular pieces in
> the back are nearly 2" thick and the panels are made from 6" wide oak.
> There are various other pieces, both white and red, in the pile. At the
> front are some miscellaneous pieces of walnut..probably 2 bdft more or
> The sheet metal I got next to their dumpster for some of my metal work.
> that'sthe back end of the new F150 Lariat I got last month.
> http://home.mchsi.com/~lhote5/habitatgloatbig.jpg
> I'm probably the only one you know that goes out and buys some other
> people's scraps for their projects.
> Larry
> --
> Lawrence L'Hote
> Columbia, MO
> http://home.mchsi.com/~larrylhote

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