
29/08/2004 5:10 AM

Sad Tale: Leitz Tooling Systems-"Free" Unisaw blade sharpening

When I bought my Unisaw in 1998, there were two coupons for a "free"
sharpening in the case with the blade.
I used one in 2000 by mailing the blade from Tucson to Leitz in CA. I did
it while planning to be away on vacation. That worked well...Leitz in the
Anyway, in the meantime, we've moved to Canada so I called and got the Leitz
location up here (1-Ontario)
On July 16th I spent $ 12.00 for postage and mailed the blade off, then left
on vacation. I expected that there would be a notice in the mailbox on our
return to p/u the blade.

We returned Aug 7 and no notice. On the Monday, Aug 9 I called Leitz and
was told the blade 'went out' on the Thu or Friday. I waited for a few days
and sure enough, I got a notice in the mailbox that the blade was at the
COD $ 38.00 !!!

I called Leitz again and related the above. The fellow there said that the
person that opens the pkgs and sharpens the blades does not always look for
the coupon..The $ 38 represented sharpening and return postage ($30) and $
8.00 to replace 4 chipped carbide teeth. After some discussion, he
"believed" that I had indeed sent the coupon so told me to decline the COD
and have the PO return the blade to them..they'd remail. I sent them a
check for the $ 8.00 and sat down to wait for the blade. Well, here we are
2 weeks later..no blade..called again yesterday to find the contact guy I'd
spoken to was "at a trade show in Atlanta". "Call back Monday"...BTW, the
"super special" $ 4.99 10" 24 tooth carbide blade from Harbor Freight IS
junk..(but you knew that) unless all you cut is plywood and don't mind the
uneven teeth leaving "stripes" in your work.


This topic has 6 replies



in reply to "Rudy" on 29/08/2004 5:10 AM

30/08/2004 7:32 AM

> Since the local, really excellent sharpening service charges less than
> US$20 on average to sharpen any of the 10" tablesaw blades I've taken
> I've tossed all the 'free sharpening coupons' where they belong. There's
> lot to be said for dealing with someone across the counter, who's been
> there for 25+ years.
> Google a thread on Sharpening Service from some time in the last year.
> Maybe there's a recommended shop near you.

Will be "looking nextime. I wondered, "What can go wrong..whats wrong with
(First off, "mailing" cost $ 12.00)
Now I know




in reply to "Rudy" on 29/08/2004 5:10 AM

30/08/2004 7:34 AM

> I'm happy when coupons, rebates, special offers, etc. are honored, but am
> never surprised when they aren't. I would have paid the cod, then tried
> get them to give me my money back (yeah, right).

I called their '800' number and asked about that. They were good enough to
tell me there was no way for them to "refund' the COD ("just send it back")


patriarch <[email protected]>

in reply to "Rudy" on 29/08/2004 5:10 AM

29/08/2004 6:19 AM

"Rudy" <[email protected]> wrote in

> When I bought my Unisaw in 1998, there were two coupons for a "free"
> sharpening in the case with the blade.

Realizing that I'm really spoiled...

Since the local, really excellent sharpening service charges less than
US$20 on average to sharpen any of the 10" tablesaw blades I've taken them,
I've tossed all the 'free sharpening coupons' where they belong. There's a
lot to be said for dealing with someone across the counter, who's been
there for 25+ years.

Google a thread on Sharpening Service from some time in the last year.
Maybe there's a recommended shop near you.




in reply to "Rudy" on 29/08/2004 5:10 AM

30/08/2004 7:36 AM

> Perhaps you could write "coupon attached" on both sides of the blade
> and/or tape the coupon to the blade next time. The taped coupon would
> be hardest for their blind sharpener guy to miss.

Is he then, their "dullest" sharpener ? <G> Not sad to say, that was the
last coupon.



in reply to "Rudy" on 29/08/2004 5:10 AM

29/08/2004 9:55 AM

I'm happy when coupons, rebates, special offers, etc. are honored, but am
never surprised when they aren't. I would have paid the cod, then tried to
get them to give me my money back (yeah, right).

"Rudy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> When I bought my Unisaw in 1998, there were two coupons for a "free"
> sharpening in the case with the blade.
> I used one in 2000 by mailing the blade from Tucson to Leitz in CA. I did
> it while planning to be away on vacation. That worked well...Leitz in the
> USA.
> Anyway, in the meantime, we've moved to Canada so I called and got the
> location up here (1-Ontario)
> On July 16th I spent $ 12.00 for postage and mailed the blade off, then
> on vacation. I expected that there would be a notice in the mailbox on
> return to p/u the blade.
> We returned Aug 7 and no notice. On the Monday, Aug 9 I called Leitz and
> was told the blade 'went out' on the Thu or Friday. I waited for a few
> and sure enough, I got a notice in the mailbox that the blade was at the
> PO....
> COD $ 38.00 !!!
> I called Leitz again and related the above. The fellow there said that
> person that opens the pkgs and sharpens the blades does not always look
> the coupon..The $ 38 represented sharpening and return postage ($30) and $
> 8.00 to replace 4 chipped carbide teeth. After some discussion, he
> "believed" that I had indeed sent the coupon so told me to decline the COD
> and have the PO return the blade to them..they'd remail. I sent them a
> check for the $ 8.00 and sat down to wait for the blade. Well, here we
> 2 weeks later..no blade..called again yesterday to find the contact guy
> spoken to was "at a trade show in Atlanta". "Call back Monday"...BTW, the
> "super special" $ 4.99 10" 24 tooth carbide blade from Harbor Freight IS
> junk..(but you knew that) unless all you cut is plywood and don't mind the
> uneven teeth leaving "stripes" in your work.
> R


Larry Jaques

in reply to "Rudy" on 29/08/2004 5:10 AM

29/08/2004 6:13 AM

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 05:10:42 GMT, "Rudy" <[email protected]>
calmly ranted:

>I called Leitz again and related the above. The fellow there said that the
>person that opens the pkgs and sharpens the blades does not always look for
>the coupon..The $ 38 represented sharpening and return postage ($30) and $
>8.00 to replace 4 chipped carbide teeth. After some discussion, he
>"believed" that I had indeed sent the coupon so told me to decline the COD
>and have the PO return the blade to them..they'd remail. I sent them a
>check for the $ 8.00 and sat down to wait for the blade. Well, here we are

Perhaps you could write "coupon attached" on both sides of the blade
and/or tape the coupon to the blade next time. The taped coupon would
be hardest for their blind sharpener guy to miss.

>2 weeks later..no blade..called again yesterday to find the contact guy I'd
>spoken to was "at a trade show in Atlanta". "Call back Monday"...BTW, the
>"super special" $ 4.99 10" 24 tooth carbide blade from Harbor Freight IS
>junk..(but you knew that) unless all you cut is plywood and don't mind the
>uneven teeth leaving "stripes" in your work.

You must have received a bad blade from HF. I've been using one of
their $4.99 (on sale) C2 blades for a year and a half (granted, I
don't use the saw a whole lot) and it cut surprisingly nicely on 80+
year-old Dina. It's time to drill out another arbor hole (she has a
3/4 arbor) and replace it with a $9.99 40T HF special (also C2), but
I'll keep the 24T for a backup.

"I'm sick and tired of having to rearrange my life
because of what the STUPIDEST people *might* do or
how they *might* react."
-- Bill Maher

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