"Mark L."

25/08/2004 6:59 PM

DJ 20 finally arrived

Greetings All,
After a lot of thought, I finally ordered the aforementioned 8"
jointer from Amazon. I've had 'lust in my heart' (Jimmy Carter) for one
of these for a while, and since we are doing an addition to the casa
(house), I could finally justify getting one. That damned Amazon sure
makes it easy to buy big toys, especially with that EVIL 'One Click'
option they have. I know I can turn it off, but I don't have the
willpower. ;-)

Since I have had a crew of app 8 framing carpenters here for the last
few days, I figured it would be a good time to arrange for the delivery
and have them help me. But wouldn't you know it, on the scheduled day of
delivery it rained and the crew didn't wasn't able to work. So here I am
by myself trying to figure out what to do. In total I'm staring at 530
lbs of Chinese (Damn) steel in a couple of boxes next to my garage and
imagining the hernia this will cost me. But lo' and behold I get a
really cool driver who says between us we can do it ourselves. GREAT!!!
If I had to refuse delivery and reschedule it would cost me $40 and the
aggravation of another delivery wait. So we are able to slide the boxes
of off the truck in wheel them into my garage. HOT DAMN!!!! I gave the
guy $$$ to buy himself a good lunch for the help. He could have easily
said that it was up to me to offload the boxes, and he would have been

The WWing gods are continuing to smile upon me..... So it's time to
sacrifice more virgin wood.
Mark L.
Too bad I can't set it up for a few days while my basement is torn apart

This topic has 13 replies



in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

31/08/2004 6:21 PM

"B a r r y" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Maybe we need to form local chapters of the "woodworker's tool moving
> network?"
> Barry

I could use some help moving a 480lb MM16 ;) Is there a local chapter in the
HTFD area?



"Mark L."

in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

26/08/2004 2:24 AM

When it's time for assembly, I'll have a few friends over just in case.

Phisherman wrote:

> On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 21:52:02 GMT, [email protected] (Scott Lurndal)
> wrote:
>>Pat Barber <[email protected]> writes:
>>>Putting it together requires two people or more when you
>>>put the jointer on the base. Check the base very closely
>>>for bent or damaged corners...
>>Not necessarily. I used a floor jack to raise the top
>>to the level of the base. Then it was just a matter of sliding
>>the top over onto the base. Do be careful, it's a heavy
>>beast and if it falls on your foot....
> I vote for two strong men to lift the top onto the base. These men
> should not have back problems and wear leather gloves. As stated,
> this top is one heavy sucker. Be careful.


[email protected] (Scott Lurndal)

in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

25/08/2004 9:52 PM

Pat Barber <[email protected]> writes:
>Putting it together requires two people or more when you
>put the jointer on the base. Check the base very closely
>for bent or damaged corners...

Not necessarily. I used a floor jack to raise the top
to the level of the base. Then it was just a matter of sliding
the top over onto the base. Do be careful, it's a heavy
beast and if it falls on your foot....



"Mark L."

in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

26/08/2004 10:09 PM

Oh John, it's ok to admit it's a toy. We're all adults here.

Mark says "Hello everyone" and the wreck responds in unison "Hello
Mark". Mark continues, "I'm a toolaholic and it's been 6 days since
I've bought a tool." The wreck claps approvingly......

John Grossbohlin wrote:

> "Pat Barber" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>Putting it together requires two people or more when you
>>put the jointer on the base. Check the base very closely
>>for bent or damaged corners...
>>It the caddy of 8" jointers...
> I never let mine hit the floor... off loaded it from the truck to saw horses
> that were a tick higher than the stand then simply slid it sideways onto the
> stand.
> It's a very nice toy... I mean tool. ;-)
> John


Pat Barber

in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

25/08/2004 8:04 PM

Putting it together requires two people or more when you
put the jointer on the base. Check the base very closely
for bent or damaged corners...

It the caddy of 8" jointers...

Mark L. wrote:
> Greetings All,
> After a lot of thought, I finally ordered the aforementioned 8" jointer
> from Amazon.



in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

26/08/2004 1:16 AM

Ready? On the count of three:


you suck


"Mark L."

in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

26/08/2004 2:17 AM

I thought suckage comments were only reserved for gloats and great
deals.... But thanks anyway.

sam wrote:
> Ready? On the count of three:
> 1...2...3
> you suck


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

01/09/2004 1:40 AM

"RKON" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >
> I could use some help moving a 480lb MM16 ;) Is there a local chapter in
> the
> HTFD area?
> Rich

If I help, do I get to play with it for a while? Just a little while.


"John Grossbohlin"

in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

25/08/2004 10:30 PM

"Pat Barber" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Putting it together requires two people or more when you
> put the jointer on the base. Check the base very closely
> for bent or damaged corners...
> It the caddy of 8" jointers...

I never let mine hit the floor... off loaded it from the truck to saw horses
that were a tick higher than the stand then simply slid it sideways onto the

It's a very nice toy... I mean tool. ;-)




in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

25/08/2004 11:16 PM

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 21:52:02 GMT, [email protected] (Scott Lurndal)

>Pat Barber <[email protected]> writes:
>>Putting it together requires two people or more when you
>>put the jointer on the base. Check the base very closely
>>for bent or damaged corners...
>Not necessarily. I used a floor jack to raise the top
>to the level of the base. Then it was just a matter of sliding
>the top over onto the base. Do be careful, it's a heavy
>beast and if it falls on your foot....

I vote for two strong men to lift the top onto the base. These men
should not have back problems and wear leather gloves. As stated,
this top is one heavy sucker. Be careful.


B a r r y

in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

26/08/2004 11:13 AM

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 02:24:01 GMT, "Mark L." <[email protected]>

>When it's time for assembly, I'll have a few friends over just in case.

I'm running out of friends. The three guys who helped get a General
650 through a 36" door (with me ordering DON'T LIFT BY THE WINGS!!!
<G>) no longer answer the phone when I call, the neighbors who helped
with the DJ-20 are on to me, and my wife is 5'2", 115 pounds.

Others have helped with compressors, band saws, etc...

Maybe we need to form local chapters of the "woodworker's tool moving



B a r r y

in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

01/09/2004 12:09 AM

On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 18:21:20 -0400, "RKON" <[email protected]> wrote:

>"B a r r y" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> Maybe we need to form local chapters of the "woodworker's tool moving
>> network?"
>> Barry
>I could use some help moving a 480lb MM16 ;) Is there a local chapter in the
>HTFD area?

You, me, Lee Gordon, and our distant field agents, Mike & Ed.



"Mark L."

in reply to "Mark L." on 25/08/2004 6:59 PM

26/08/2004 10:05 PM

I feel your pain..... All my neighbors are too old and my wife is about
the size of yours.

B a r r y wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 02:24:01 GMT, "Mark L." <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>>When it's time for assembly, I'll have a few friends over just in case.
> I'm running out of friends. The three guys who helped get a General
> 650 through a 36" door (with me ordering DON'T LIFT BY THE WINGS!!!
> <G>) no longer answer the phone when I call, the neighbors who helped
> with the DJ-20 are on to me, and my wife is 5'2", 115 pounds.
> Others have helped with compressors, band saws, etc...
> Maybe we need to form local chapters of the "woodworker's tool moving
> network?"
> Barry

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