The Northeastern Woodworker's Association's Mid-Hudson group has started a
new SIG for woodturners. The presentation meetings are held at the farm
where the movie Tootsie (Dustin Hoffman) was filmed in Hurley, NY--a few
miles south of Kingston, NY.
We plan on having woodturning demonstrations the second Wednesday of each
month. Keith Tompkins did the first presentation--his work has appeared in
Fine Woodworking, museums, and elsewhere--on various turning techniques.
Keith's example turning was a goblet that included both bowl and spindle
turning techniques. The second presentation was by Carl Ford. Carl's example
turning was a natural edge bowl.
Prior to the main presentation there will be presentations and discussions
on more basic topics for beginners. For example, tonight's early
presentation was on sharpening turning tools. The presenter has a background
in metal machining and gave a good run down on the types of steel used in
various turning tools, the pros and cons of each, and the sharpening issues
for each.
Though up and running for only a couple of months we have managed to find a
home, tools, video equipment, and high quality presenters.
If anyone is interested in joining our organization the Mid-Hudson NWA group
meets the third Thursday of each month at the Central Hudson building in
Kingston. Central Hudson is near the intersection of Rt 28, Rt 209, and the
NYS Thruway (exit 19). The doors open at 7 and the meetings run from about
7:30 to 9:30-10 PM. There are presentations and show-and-tell periods at the
meetings as well as discussions of upcoming events. Visitors are welcome.
You can find more information on NWA at I can
provider more information on the Mid-Hudson group and the turners group.
John Grossbohlin