Ante Topic Mimara

30/09/2005 10:52 PM

Seeking someone to help complete a small project.

I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
enough time that they would be willing to help me out. I have a
drawing of two simple items, and I would like to open a dialogue
with a hobbyist who is interested and willing to help.

I can be reached at aegis365 at hotmail dot com if needed, so that
I can forward the drawing.

Thank you!

A. Topic Mimara

This message was sent via two or more anonymous remailing services.

This topic has 22 replies


Mark & Juanita

in reply to Ante Topic Mimara on 30/09/2005 10:52 PM

01/10/2005 10:55 AM

On Sat, 01 Oct 2005 18:33:08 +0200, Juergen Hannappel
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Ante Topic Mimara <Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]> writes:
>> I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
>> mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
>> someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
>Just come to my office, we can discuss in person...

Good one there Juergen. :-)


If you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough



"Morris Dovey"

in reply to Ante Topic Mimara on 30/09/2005 10:52 PM

01/10/2005 12:39 PM

Ante Topic Mimara (in LVI8SSJ438625.7865740741@anonymous) said:

| I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
| mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
| someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
| enough time that they would be willing to help me out. I have a
| drawing of two simple items, and I would like to open a dialogue
| with a hobbyist who is interested and willing to help.

Fairly decent shop with 4'x8' CNC router that can accept DXF drawing
inputs. I have a bit of experience, never enough time, and can read
drawings of most simple items. I listen fairly well and am generally
willing to help anyone willing to help themselves. If it's a matter of
"do for" rather than "help", then my participation probably won't be

Stop by my shop whenever you like (It's a good idea to call first so I
can be sure to be there when you arrive).

Follow the link for contact info - you'll also find a visitors' link
if you'd like to look around before you arrive (though the shop has
been re-arranged several times since those photos were taken).

Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA


"Lee Michaels"

in reply to Ante Topic Mimara on 30/09/2005 10:52 PM

30/09/2005 7:06 PM

"Ante Topic Mimara" <Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote in
message news:LVI8SSJ438625.7865740741@anonymous...
>I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
> mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
> someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
> enough time that they would be willing to help me out. I have a
> drawing of two simple items, and I would like to open a dialogue
> with a hobbyist who is interested and willing to help.
> I can be reached at aegis365 at hotmail dot com if needed, so that
> I can forward the drawing.
Just a friendly hint.

Unless you can figure a way out to do this over the internet, it may be an
idea to include a physical, real world location. A city, a country,

Unless, of course, you live off planet or are just a figment of our
collective imagination.




in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

30/09/2005 8:01 PM

E. Hill wrote:
> I've come to the conclusion, after Googling your previous newsgroup
> postings, that you're quite an interesting person - and quite paranoid, for
> some reason or another.
> You're posting through anonymous remailers. You don't want to give even a
> general physical location. (How that equates to your "mailing address," I
> don't know.) Ante Topic Mimara obviously isn't your real name. Heck, you
> might not even be a man.
> You came here asking for help. Asking for a general physical location isn't
> unreasonable.
> Eric

I think those Google-archived posts are from everyone who uses that
remailer service (which Google sees as all having come from one person)
but they are not all really by the OP, no?

I'm in Cleveland, Ohio & they can't use my shop either ;)



in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

01/10/2005 9:26 AM

Lee Michaels wrote:
> "Ante Topic Mimara" <Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]
> >
> > Lee Michaels says... <snip my e-mail address>
> What a world class scumbag. I purposely munge my email addy. And this creep
> unmunges it so the various spambots can my harvest my addy. And does this
> while hiding behind various remailers and an alias. I think that we can
> safely conclude that this guy is bad news Approach at your own risk!!
> >>
> >> "Ante Topic Mimara" wrote:
> >>
> >>>I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
> >>> mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
> >>> someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
> >>> enough time that they would be willing to help me out. I have a
> >>> drawing of two simple items, and I would like to open a dialogue
> >>> with a hobbyist who is interested and willing to help.
> >>>
> >>> I can be reached at aegis365 at hotmail dot com if needed, so that
> >>> I can forward the drawing.
> >>>
> >>
> >> Just a friendly hint.
> >>
> >> Unless you can figure a way out to do this over the internet, it
> >> may be an idea to include a physical, real world location.
> >
> > Are you volunteering to discuss the project, or do you just wish to
> > regulate how people post requests?
> >
> It may come as a shock to you, but the internet is global. It is like saying
> there is a good store down the block. It is information that is beneficial
> for locals. Not people on the other side of the planet.
> Idiots do this all the time. They say that they have an item for sale that
> can not be easily shipped. Who cares if no location is supplied? Location
> is an important component of anything that is done locally. Do you really
> not understand this?
> >> A city, a country, etc...
> >
> > Not pertinent information until such time as an agreement to work
> > on the project is decided upon. After a point where I as the seeker
> > find someone to help (the helper), and we actually agree on how much
> > it would cost for materials, expertise, and labor, then I would be
> > more than pleased to provide my personal contact information via a
> > private e-mail, rather than post it to some Usenet newsgroup where
> > anyone can find it, for whatever nefarious reasons. One can never be
> > too careful on the internet, as I have found out in the past.
> >
> Location is not pertinent information?? Maybe if you are going to pay fifty
> times the going rate. But if time and money are involved, location is
> incredibly important. Besides it is courteous to supply enough information
> to make it easy for people to decide if they want to deal with you.
> > I'll post my mailing address, as soon as everyone else on this group
> > posts theirs. I was just asking for woodworking advice and assistance.
> > I didn't realize I had to open up my private information to the whole
> > world to satisfy you.
> >
> Well you posted my e-mail addy without my permission.
> And we are not asking for an intimate medical report. A town or state or
> something to narrow it down. Is this hard for you to understand?
> And it has nothing to do with my satisfaction. It is the nature of usenet.
> It is both global and local. If you demand that everybody be global (and
> anonymous) only, don't expect assistance with anything local. You can not
> have it both ways.
> >> Unless, of course, you live off planet or are just a figment of
> >> our collective imagination.
> >
> > By no means am I a figment of anyone's information, and the last time
> > I looked, I was just as earthbound as everyone else who isn't in the
> > employ of, say, NASA... Why is it so important to you to know where I
> > can be found?
> >
> Believe me, I can only hope that you don't live near me. I made a friendly
> suggestion and you go nuts.
> Again, another friendly hint. You might try to make nice when making
> requests. Your chances for assistance with your project would be much
> higher.
> But feel free to dismiss this suggestion out of hand as well. It is, no
> doubt, also some kind of demented plot.
> > Unless of course you really don't intend to do anything other than
> > criticize my request for assistance with a project, quibbling over
> > my abject failure to post to your satisfaction, instead of inquiring
> > about the project itself. Which is what I should have expected.
> >
> My satisfaction?? My, my, you must have an unusually high opinion of
> yourself. I made a friendly suggestion. On the off hand chance that you did
> know how to make such an inquiry. These sinister plots and murky underworld
> dealings you are alluding to are all a figment of your imagination. You
> might try to scam a victim elsewhere. I don't think you are gaining many
> friends here.
> And this bunch is one of the friendliest and helpful groups of folks on
> usenet. Pissing them off collectively is quite an accomplishment.
> You must be so proud.

To the original poster.

You may be better off checking your local phone book and finding a
business that does contract work. Then you can do all the
non-disclosure agreements etc that you might feel you need.

I have obtained mostly helpful advice from this newsgroup and people
seem generally willing to help. A general location wether it be city or
state is not unreasonable and allows a lot of people to opt out of
further discussion.

If you are resident in the USA then all mexican, Canadian, Indian,
Pakistan, England, France, Germany etc readers of the newsgroup
probably are not interested.

And a general comment, I use a Yahoo mail account so that all mailing
lists wind up at an address that I can ususally scan and delete.
Anonymous remailers are in my opinion very tacky and make you look like
a person up to no good.



in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

30/09/2005 9:14 PM

Didn't someone post here a while back on the proper method of the
manufacture - and use - of a "Clue-Bat"? Seems like this fella needs to
complete this project first.

"Ante Topic Mimara" <Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote in
message news:M6Q9VOO438625.9087615741@anonymous...
> [email protected] says...
>> "Ante Topic Mimara" wrote:
>>>I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
>>> mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
>>> someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
>>> enough time that they would be willing to help me out. I have a
>>> drawing of two simple items, and I would like to open a dialogue
>>> with a hobbyist who is interested and willing to help.
>>> I can be reached at aegis365 at hotmail dot com if needed, so that
>>> I can forward the drawing.
>> Just a friendly hint.
>> Unless you can figure a way out to do this over the internet, it
>> may be an idea to include a physical, real world location.
> Are you volunteering to discuss the project, or do you just wish to
> regulate how people post requests?
>> A city, a country, etc...
> Not pertinent information until such time as an agreement to work
> on the project is decided upon. After a point where I as the seeker
> find someone to help (the helper), and we actually agree on how much
> it would cost for materials, expertise, and labor, then I would be
> more than pleased to provide my personal contact information via a
> private e-mail, rather than post it to some Usenet newsgroup where
> anyone can find it, for whatever nefarious reasons. One can never be
> too careful on the internet, as I have found out in the past.
> I'll post my mailing address, as soon as everyone else on this group
> posts theirs. I was just asking for woodworking advice and assistance.
> I didn't realize I had to open up my private information to the whole
> world to satisfy you.
>> Unless, of course, you live off planet or are just a figment of
>> our collective imagination.
> By no means am I a figment of anyone's information, and the last time
> I looked, I was just as earthbound as everyone else who isn't in the
> employ of, say, NASA... Why is it so important to you to know where I
> can be found?
> Unless of course you really don't intend to do anything other than
> criticize my request for assistance with a project, quibbling over
> my abject failure to post to your satisfaction, instead of inquiring
> about the project itself. Which is what I should have expected.
>> HTH
> Not very much, thank you.
> ---
> -
> Topic-Mimara
> Unique in the World!
> ---
> -=-
> This message was sent via two or more anonymous remailing services.



in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

01/10/2005 9:23 AM

Ante Topic Mimara wrote:

>>A city, a country, etc...
> Not pertinent information until such time as an agreement to work
> on the project is decided upon. After a point where I as the seeker
> find someone to help (the helper), and we actually agree on how much
> it would cost for materials, expertise, and labor, then I would be
> more than pleased to provide my personal contact information via a
> private e-mail, rather than post it to some Usenet newsgroup where
> anyone can find it, for whatever nefarious reasons. One can never be
> too careful on the internet, as I have found out in the past.
> I'll post my mailing address, as soon as everyone else on this group
> posts theirs. I was just asking for woodworking advice and assistance.
> I didn't realize I had to open up my private information to the whole
> world to satisfy you.

What a bizarre response to Lee's suggestion that you mention what city
you are in. He didn't ask you for your street address! Get a grip!
With an attitude like yours you are unlikely to receive any assistance here.



Ante Topic Mimara

in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

01/10/2005 1:48 AM

[email protected] says...
> "Ante Topic Mimara" wrote:
>>I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
>> mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
>> someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
>> enough time that they would be willing to help me out. I have a
>> drawing of two simple items, and I would like to open a dialogue
>> with a hobbyist who is interested and willing to help.
>> I can be reached at aegis365 at hotmail dot com if needed, so that
>> I can forward the drawing.
> Just a friendly hint.
> Unless you can figure a way out to do this over the internet, it
> may be an idea to include a physical, real world location.

Are you volunteering to discuss the project, or do you just wish to
regulate how people post requests?

> A city, a country, etc...

Not pertinent information until such time as an agreement to work
on the project is decided upon. After a point where I as the seeker
find someone to help (the helper), and we actually agree on how much
it would cost for materials, expertise, and labor, then I would be
more than pleased to provide my personal contact information via a
private e-mail, rather than post it to some Usenet newsgroup where
anyone can find it, for whatever nefarious reasons. One can never be
too careful on the internet, as I have found out in the past.

I'll post my mailing address, as soon as everyone else on this group
posts theirs. I was just asking for woodworking advice and assistance.
I didn't realize I had to open up my private information to the whole
world to satisfy you.

> Unless, of course, you live off planet or are just a figment of
> our collective imagination.

By no means am I a figment of anyone's information, and the last time
I looked, I was just as earthbound as everyone else who isn't in the
employ of, say, NASA... Why is it so important to you to know where I
can be found?

Unless of course you really don't intend to do anything other than
criticize my request for assistance with a project, quibbling over
my abject failure to post to your satisfaction, instead of inquiring
about the project itself. Which is what I should have expected.


Not very much, thank you.

Unique in the World!

This message was sent via two or more anonymous remailing services.



in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

01/10/2005 11:43 PM

"Mortimer Schnerd, RN" <[email protected]> wrote:
>What a horse's ass you are. My shop, which is located in Charlotte, NC is not
>available to you even if you happen to live across the street.
>It was a reasonable request. If you had just said you lived in Boston or San
>Francisco, nobody else living outside those cities would need reply. As it
>I doubt anybody will.
>If you need a shop, buy one.

Well said.

Archangel - Jack of all trades, mastering some...

Archangel & RavenSky's personal pages:

remove the REM... (sleep is over rated)



in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

01/10/2005 5:13 PM

"David" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> With an attitude like yours you are unlikely to receive any assistance
> Dave

I doubt that he really wanted any work done anyway. Just trolling. From his
comments, it would seem that he does this often enough that someone has
tracked him down and given him some trouble over it, hence the anonymity.


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

01/10/2005 3:13 AM

"Ante Topic Mimara" <Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote in
>> A city, a country, etc...
> Not pertinent information until such time as an agreement to work
> on the project is decided upon. After a point where I as the seeker
> find someone to help (the helper), and we actually agree on how much
> it would cost for materials, expertise, and labor, then I would be
> more than pleased to provide my personal contact information via a
> private e-mail, rather than post it to some Usenet newsgroup where
> anyone can find it, for whatever nefarious reasons. One can never be
> too careful on the internet, as I have found out in the past.

I don't need your mailing address but I'm certainly not going to spend a lot
of time figuring costs, materials, etc only to find you are 1500 miles away.
If you were within 50 miles, I'd contact you. Given your attitude, I don't
want you in my shop anyway.


Ante Topic Mimara

in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

01/10/2005 1:40 AM

[email protected] says...
> "Ante Topic Mimara" wrote:
>>I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
>> mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
>> someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
>> enough time that they would be willing to help me out. I have a
>> drawing of two simple items, and I would like to open a dialogue
>> with a hobbyist who is interested and willing to help.
>> I can be reached at aegis365 at hotmail dot com if needed, so that
>> I can forward the drawing.
> Just a friendly hint.
> Unless you can figure a way out to do this over the internet, it
> may be an idea to include a physical, real world location.

Are you volunteering to discuss the project, or do you just wish to
regulate how people post requests?

> A city, a country, etc...

Not pertinent information until such time as an agreement to work
on the project is decided upon. After a point where I as the seeker
find someone to help (the helper), and we actually agree on how much
it would cost for materials, expertise, and labor, then I would be
more than pleased to provide my personal contact information via a
private e-mail, rather than post it to some Usenet newsgroup where
anyone can find it, for whatever nefarious reasons. One can never be
too careful on the internet, as I have found out in the past.

I'll post my mailing address, as soon as everyone else on this group
posts theirs. I was just asking for woodworking advice and assistance.
I didn't realize I had to open up my private information to the whole
world to satisfy you.

> Unless, of course, you live off planet or are just a figment of
> our collective imagination.

By no means am I a figment of anyone's information, and the last time
I looked, I was just as earthbound as everyone else who isn't in the
employ of, say, NASA... Why is it so important to you to know where I
can be found?

Unless of course you really don't intend to do anything other than
criticize my request for assistance with a project, quibbling over
my abject failure to post to your satisfaction, instead of inquiring
about the project itself. Which is what I should have expected.


Not very much, thank you.

Unique in the World!

This message was sent via two or more anonymous remailing services.


Mike Berger

in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

03/10/2005 12:22 PM

Can you show us in your post where you asked for woodworking advice
or assistance? All I saw was a request for a private meeting, which
would entail knowing where you are.

Rather than jumping on everybody who responds, maybe you should
consider the limits of your own communications.

Ante Topic Mimara wrote:

> I'll post my mailing address, as soon as everyone else on this group
> posts theirs. I was just asking for woodworking advice and assistance.
> I didn't realize I had to open up my private information to the whole
> world to satisfy you.


"Mortimer Schnerd, RN"

in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

30/09/2005 9:48 PM

Ante Topic Mimara wrote:
>> Unless you can figure a way out to do this over the internet, it
>> may be an idea to include a physical, real world location.

What a horse's ass you are. My shop, which is located in Charlotte, NC is not
available to you even if you happen to live across the street.

It was a reasonable request. If you had just said you lived in Boston or San
Francisco, nobody else living outside those cities would need reply. As it is,
I doubt anybody will.

If you need a shop, buy one.

Mortimer Schnerd, RN

[email protected]


"Lee Michaels"

in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

01/10/2005 3:14 AM

"Ante Topic Mimara" <Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]
> Lee Michaels says... <snip my e-mail address>

What a world class scumbag. I purposely munge my email addy. And this creep
unmunges it so the various spambots can my harvest my addy. And does this
while hiding behind various remailers and an alias. I think that we can
safely conclude that this guy is bad news Approach at your own risk!!

>> "Ante Topic Mimara" wrote:
>>>I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
>>> mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
>>> someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
>>> enough time that they would be willing to help me out. I have a
>>> drawing of two simple items, and I would like to open a dialogue
>>> with a hobbyist who is interested and willing to help.
>>> I can be reached at aegis365 at hotmail dot com if needed, so that
>>> I can forward the drawing.
>> Just a friendly hint.
>> Unless you can figure a way out to do this over the internet, it
>> may be an idea to include a physical, real world location.
> Are you volunteering to discuss the project, or do you just wish to
> regulate how people post requests?

It may come as a shock to you, but the internet is global. It is like saying
there is a good store down the block. It is information that is beneficial
for locals. Not people on the other side of the planet.

Idiots do this all the time. They say that they have an item for sale that
can not be easily shipped. Who cares if no location is supplied? Location
is an important component of anything that is done locally. Do you really
not understand this?

>> A city, a country, etc...
> Not pertinent information until such time as an agreement to work
> on the project is decided upon. After a point where I as the seeker
> find someone to help (the helper), and we actually agree on how much
> it would cost for materials, expertise, and labor, then I would be
> more than pleased to provide my personal contact information via a
> private e-mail, rather than post it to some Usenet newsgroup where
> anyone can find it, for whatever nefarious reasons. One can never be
> too careful on the internet, as I have found out in the past.

Location is not pertinent information?? Maybe if you are going to pay fifty
times the going rate. But if time and money are involved, location is
incredibly important. Besides it is courteous to supply enough information
to make it easy for people to decide if they want to deal with you.

> I'll post my mailing address, as soon as everyone else on this group
> posts theirs. I was just asking for woodworking advice and assistance.
> I didn't realize I had to open up my private information to the whole
> world to satisfy you.

Well you posted my e-mail addy without my permission.

And we are not asking for an intimate medical report. A town or state or
something to narrow it down. Is this hard for you to understand?

And it has nothing to do with my satisfaction. It is the nature of usenet.
It is both global and local. If you demand that everybody be global (and
anonymous) only, don't expect assistance with anything local. You can not
have it both ways.

>> Unless, of course, you live off planet or are just a figment of
>> our collective imagination.
> By no means am I a figment of anyone's information, and the last time
> I looked, I was just as earthbound as everyone else who isn't in the
> employ of, say, NASA... Why is it so important to you to know where I
> can be found?

Believe me, I can only hope that you don't live near me. I made a friendly
suggestion and you go nuts.

Again, another friendly hint. You might try to make nice when making
requests. Your chances for assistance with your project would be much

But feel free to dismiss this suggestion out of hand as well. It is, no
doubt, also some kind of demented plot.

> Unless of course you really don't intend to do anything other than
> criticize my request for assistance with a project, quibbling over
> my abject failure to post to your satisfaction, instead of inquiring
> about the project itself. Which is what I should have expected.

My satisfaction?? My, my, you must have an unusually high opinion of
yourself. I made a friendly suggestion. On the off hand chance that you did
know how to make such an inquiry. These sinister plots and murky underworld
dealings you are alluding to are all a figment of your imagination. You
might try to scam a victim elsewhere. I don't think you are gaining many
friends here.

And this bunch is one of the friendliest and helpful groups of folks on
usenet. Pissing them off collectively is quite an accomplishment.

You must be so proud.


"E. Hill"

in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

30/09/2005 10:25 PM

> I think those Google-archived posts are from everyone who uses that
> remailer service (which Google sees as all having come from one person)
> but they are not all really by the OP, no?

I didn't Google the e-mail address... I Googled "Ante Topic Mimara" for
newsgroup postings.



"E. Hill"

in reply to "Lee Michaels" on 30/09/2005 7:06 PM

30/09/2005 7:08 PM

I've come to the conclusion, after Googling your previous newsgroup
postings, that you're quite an interesting person - and quite paranoid, for
some reason or another.

You're posting through anonymous remailers. You don't want to give even a
general physical location. (How that equates to your "mailing address," I
don't know.) Ante Topic Mimara obviously isn't your real name. Heck, you
might not even be a man.

You came here asking for help. Asking for a general physical location isn't




in reply to Ante Topic Mimara on 30/09/2005 10:52 PM

01/10/2005 5:08 PM

Tom Quackenbush wrote:
> Juergen Hannappel wrote:
>>Ante Topic Mimara writes:
>>>I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
>>>mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
>>>someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
>>Just come to my office, we can discuss in person...
> Excellent.
> R,
> Tom Q.
Don't mind the 4 men in white coats, they are just here to help :)


mac davis

in reply to Ante Topic Mimara on 30/09/2005 10:52 PM

03/10/2005 9:05 AM

On 30 Sep 2005 22:52:40 -0000, Ante Topic Mimara
<Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote:

>I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
>mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
>someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
>enough time that they would be willing to help me out. I have a
>drawing of two simple items, and I would like to open a dialogue
>with a hobbyist who is interested and willing to help.
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/ O O\__ | feed the |
/ \ | Trolls |
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* ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c____________


Please remove splinters before emailing



in reply to Ante Topic Mimara on 30/09/2005 10:52 PM

01/10/2005 5:02 AM

On 30 Sep 2005 22:52:40 -0000, Ante Topic Mimara
<Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote:

>I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
>mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
>someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
>enough time that they would be willing to help me out. I have a
>drawing of two simple items, and I would like to open a dialogue
>with a hobbyist who is interested and willing to help.

As others have pointed out, it's pointless to "open a dialogue" on the
subject if the parties are a half a continent or more away. You don't
have to give your address and phone number out...just say, "I'm in
Pulaski, TN" or "the Pacific Northwest" so people who aren't can move
on and not waste anyone's time, including yours. Nobody will ever be
able to track you down and stalk you with that scant information, but
it's all the difference in the world in getting useful responses to
your request.

>I can be reached at aegis365 at hotmail dot com

Red flag #1 to me. I use an email remailer myself, but hotmail
addresses are too often associated with ne'er-do-wells...

>This message was sent via two or more anonymous remailing services.

Red flag #2. Anonymous remailers are too often associated with
ne'er-do-wells AND miscreants.

Red flag #3. If you can't even bother to give a simple description of
the sort of project you're wishing to accomplish, why should anyone
bother "open[ing] a dialogue" to find out whether it's even within
their skill level to pursue. Although we're all enthusiasts here,
we're not all highly accomplished or professional woodworkers.

So far you don't sound like someone I want to bother with. You now
have an opportunity to rectify that perception.


Master Woodbutcher and seasoned termite

Shamelessly whoring my website since 1999

Proud participant of rec.woodworking since February, 1997


Tom Quackenbush

in reply to Ante Topic Mimara on 30/09/2005 10:52 PM

01/10/2005 5:05 PM

Juergen Hannappel wrote:
>Ante Topic Mimara writes:
>> I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
>> mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
>> someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and
>Just come to my office, we can discuss in person...


Tom Q.

Remove bogusinfo to reply.


Juergen Hannappel

in reply to Ante Topic Mimara on 30/09/2005 10:52 PM

01/10/2005 6:33 PM

Ante Topic Mimara <Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]> writes:

> I have little to no means to do a small project that I have in
> mind, (a circular saw, a drill, and that's it!) and I am seeking
> someone who has a fairly decent shop, a bit of experience, and

Just come to my office, we can discuss in person...

Dr. Juergen Hannappel
mailto:[email protected] Phone: +49 228 73 2447 FAX ... 7869
Physikalisches Institut der Uni Bonn Nussallee 12, D-53115 Bonn, Germany
CERN: Phone: +412276 76461 Fax: ..77930 Bat. 892-R-A13 CH-1211 Geneve 23

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