fortuna wrote:
> Does anybody know of any plans or site on how to make musical notes?
First you start with an instrument, and then you manipulate it in the most
appropriate way to make notes come out.
Or did you have something else in mind? :)
Michael McIntyre ---- Silvan <[email protected]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek; registered Linux user #243621
fortuna wrote:
> Does anybody know of any plans or site on how to make musical notes?
Whoops, I hit send before I got to the real part of the message... :)
I guess you're looking for scrollsaw patterns or such? Probably the easiest
thing to do is just take some on-screen music notation and blow it up to a
suitable size, then print it.
Let me know what kind of thing you're after, and what sizes, and I can hook
you up with some PDF files or something. I develop music notation software
for Linux. Pictures of notes I have in spades.
Michael McIntyre ---- Silvan <[email protected]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek; registered Linux user #243621
Larry Bud wrote:
> If you're using Windows, download one of many free music note true
> type fonts. A quick google search yielded:
That's perhaps the best idea yet. And for the record, if any of those fonts
(didn't actually look) are TrueType or Adobe format (most fonts these days
are) then it's no problem using them on Linux, and most likely BSD, OS-X
and everything else in the world too. No Windows required. Though maybe
SOL if anyone is still running DOS.
Michael McIntyre ---- Silvan <[email protected]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek; registered Linux user #243621
"fortuna" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Does anybody know of any plans or site on how to make musical notes?
> Thanks in advance
If you're using Windows, download one of many free music note true
type fonts. A quick google search yielded:
I made some really wild musical notes this morning while reading the paper
in the bathroom. Chili night usually does that.
"fortuna" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Does anybody know of any plans or site on how to make musical notes?
> Thanks in advance
"fortuna" <[email protected]> wrote in news:89hgd.22620$rs5.970852
> Does anybody know of any plans or site on how to make musical notes?
I'd suggest starting with looking at a basic music book...or perhaps
a Google image search:
Stare at them a while. Then take a pencil and pad of paper, and
start sketching until you get something you like (don't copy...
make what you see in your head, not with your eyes). Slap some
measurements on it, depending on what you're trying to do.
If you want the video to go with that measured drawing though,
you'll have to shoot it yourself.
Have fun!
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 10:58:13 -0400, Silvan
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Larry Bud wrote:
>> If you're using Windows, download one of many free music note true
>> type fonts. A quick google search yielded:
> That's perhaps the best idea yet. And for the record, if any of those fonts
> (didn't actually look) are TrueType or Adobe format (most fonts these days
> are) then it's no problem using them on Linux, and most likely BSD, OS-X
> and everything else in the world too. No Windows required. Though maybe
> SOL if anyone is still running DOS.
The OP might need to futz with the proportions. Some of the elements of
fonts appear out of proportion when the font is blown up excessively.
Compare, for example, Times Roman 30pt versus Times Roman 10Pt at 3x
"fortuna" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Does anybody know of any plans or site on how to make musical notes?
> Thanks in advance
Do you mean the figures of notes? I don' tknow hte names of them aside from
do re mi.
Take some music and blow it up on a copy machine and use that as a template.
You could use a panograph also.
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 21:36:40 -0400, "fortuna" <[email protected]>
>Does anybody know of any plans or site on how to make musical notes?
>Thanks in advance
or the others at