

06/09/2003 8:13 PM

FREE Andersen Patio Door -- Maryland

Gambrills, Md., about 15 miles w. of Annapolis.

I have replaced my Andersen sliding patio door with a new door. The
Andersen is in fair condition, and I hate the idea of hauling it to the
landfill. It is available free to the first person who applies. I can
probably help with transportation within a few miles or so.

For an opening 72" wide X 82" high. The frame has minor cosmetic damage
from the removal process, but is structually sound. Nothing a
woodworker couldn't easily deal with. I saved all screws and other
hardware bits. The doors themselves -- one fixed, one sliding -- are in
very good condition. A real bargain at $0.00!

I don't have room to store this thing, so if I don't give it away
_soon_ it'll be in the landfill. Please reply to the e-mail address
shown in my sig.


usenet *at* davidillig dawt com