After waiting 2 weeks for my AFS-1000B from Amazon, using free
delivery, I think it showed up damaged. When I look at the end with
the filter, it looks like the center is squished a bit. It I measure
the sides they measure 12: but the center measures just under 11 1/2".
It almost as if the center was squeezed together. When I removed the
outer filter and rotated it around, it didn't easily fit back in. It
looks like it was crushed a bit on one side (not much though) so that
side had a form fit.
I turned the unit on last night and it seems to work just fine. So my
question is if other people have had a problem with the center being
crushed. Is this a common issues, or just mine? Have people sent them
back or just dealt with it?
I tried (gently) to take out the inner filter but it wasn't moving. It
looks like the metal frame was bent a little bit. I don't know how
easily the inner filter comes out so I didn't want to force it and
break a seal or glue. So any info on that would be helpful as well.
On Wed, 30 Jun 2010 08:59:53 -0700 (PDT), Ron S
<[email protected]> wrote:
>After waiting 2 weeks for my AFS-1000B from Amazon, using free
>delivery, I think it showed up damaged. When I look at the end with
>the filter, it looks like the center is squished a bit. It I measure
>the sides they measure 12: but the center measures just under 11 1/2".
>It almost as if the center was squeezed together. When I removed the
>outer filter and rotated it around, it didn't easily fit back in. It
>looks like it was crushed a bit on one side (not much though) so that
>side had a form fit.
>I turned the unit on last night and it seems to work just fine. So my
>question is if other people have had a problem with the center being
>crushed. Is this a common issues, or just mine? Have people sent them
>back or just dealt with it?
>I tried (gently) to take out the inner filter but it wasn't moving. It
>looks like the metal frame was bent a little bit. I don't know how
>easily the inner filter comes out so I didn't want to force it and
>break a seal or glue. So any info on that would be helpful as well.
Mine is about 11-3/4" in the center, hanging from the ceiling. Keep
in mind it hangs from the top so gravity is going to pull it down. I
suspect they build in a little bend to it, rather than make it
stronger, so when it hangs it doesn't end up wider in the middle.