Cross-posted/pics on abpw.
As you can see from the photo.I built a modest fuming tent. It seems that
leaving it outdoors (or in the sun) was a bad idea as the water from the
ammonia evaporated, condensed on the plastic and dripped down onto some of
my white oak spindles.
I'm not sure if the stains are from just water or ammoniafied-water. The
stains actually look allot like the water stains on some of the rough-cut
white oak boards that I have in stock. Those stains seem to be fairly
superficial and plane off with no more stock removal than required for a
smooth finish.
A little sanding seems to get rid of the really ugly edge of the stain, but
leaves behind a fairly even and well defined dark blotch.
Does any have any thoughts on how to lessen the appearance of these stains?
Perhaps another round of fuming (this time in the garage) might darken the
wood a bit more.
Might some application of water even out the color change?
Any thoughts would be appreciated