"John Moorhead"

27/07/2004 6:08 AM

Foundation follow up - Backhoe shows up in the morning!

Folks -

Well, today the wif and I finished with small stuff in the yard and building
area - marking things we wanted taken out or moved... "Fixin'" to get ready,
as it were. We checked the stringlines on the batterboards - is that the
right term?... Anyway, the diagonals were about 1 1/2 inches out - we will
take another look at it in the morning. I've marked all of the outside
diglines as the backhoe guy wanted, so...

I went to the planning department to see if I could reduce the size of the
footings and confirm a couple of "fuzzys"... The good news is that I can
modify things to save on concrete - and the process of doing it all a bit
less puckery... They gave the okay and mentioned a couple of other things
that I needed to do - another string of rebar near the top of the perimeter

The last step was to cut the sidewalk and back step by the garage so the
footings can be dug. I went to the lumberyard and picked up a couple of
abrasive cutting wheels for my Makita Circ hoping that would do it... Ran
into my woodshop teacher and he crumbed on the idea - but masonry blades
were almost a hundred bucks... Anyway, long story short, he said he had two
at his cabinet shop that he would loan me and BLAMMO... Poifect!

I took the cuts about 1/4 or 1/2" at a time, a bit more aggressively on
succeeding cuts as it was cutting well. I wore a face shield and as luck
would have it we had a pretty good breeze this afternoon and I was able to
be upwind of everything. The dog, however, was lying on the rest of the
sidewalk - downwind. He sneezed a few times, but couldn't be bothered to
get up. Of course he's an old orphaned, crippled mutt with three legs, no
balls, tail, brains, sense or shame, so I wasn't expecting much, given his
unbroken loosing track record with 2 rottweilers, 1 Doberman and a Chevy
pickup. I digress. I did notice that the saw sure works harder in concrete
than it does in doug fir... I'll have pics in the AM...

The backhoe will be here in the morning - we're going to double and
double-check our measurements.... More to come...

Oh boy! ooOOhh Boy! Oboyoboyoboyo!

John Moorhead

This topic has 3 replies


"Mark L."

in reply to "John Moorhead" on 27/07/2004 6:08 AM

28/07/2004 1:28 AM

I wonder if the dog's name is Lucky???? Mark L.

> The dog, however, was lying on the rest of the
> sidewalk - downwind. He sneezed a few times, but couldn't be bothered to
> get up. Of course he's an old orphaned, crippled mutt with three legs, no
> balls, tail, brains, sense or shame, so I wasn't expecting much, given his
> unbroken loosing track record with 2 rottweilers, 1 Doberman and a Chevy
> pickup.
> John Moorhead


"Mark Hopkins"

in reply to "John Moorhead" on 27/07/2004 6:08 AM

27/07/2004 3:11 AM

I feel your pain....hehehe My footings on one end was 27" deep. Inspectors!
Watch out if he shows up with a pointed stick like device....

I am putting the finishing touches on my new shop too. Its a bit smaller
22x24 but its a huge improvement over my old one (10x20) which will become a
finishing /storage room. Mine is taking forever to get finished because I am
doing all the work by myself with no helper. Siding is going on it now
slowly but surely and the insulation is almost finished inside. I put a
metal roof on it with insulation board between the nailers which has made a
big difference in the temperature inside. Its got a 6.5 in 12 roof that
clear spans 2/3's of the space. Its wired and I have begun to put a few
tools inside to make it easier to cut trim, siding, etc.

I just installed the twin air conditioners yesterday and they make it nice
and cool inside even with no insulation in the ceiling yet. I am finding
out that I will be lots better off with twin air filters hung from the
ceiling too. I have thought about one on each wall just because. :) I have
a couple of old furnace fans I can make them out of too..... I'll be very
happy one all the inspections are done and I get all the tools in place....
I miss my lathe...and the dust collection...all in due time I suppose....

"John Moorhead" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:%[email protected]...
> Folks -
> Well, today the wif and I finished with small stuff in the yard and
> area - marking things we wanted taken out or moved... "Fixin'" to get
> as it were. We checked the stringlines on the batterboards - is that the
> right term?... Anyway, the diagonals were about 1 1/2 inches out - we will
> take another look at it in the morning. I've marked all of the outside
> diglines as the backhoe guy wanted, so...
> I went to the planning department to see if I could reduce the size of the
> footings and confirm a couple of "fuzzys"... The good news is that I can
> modify things to save on concrete - and the process of doing it all a bit
> less puckery... They gave the okay and mentioned a couple of other things
> that I needed to do - another string of rebar near the top of the
> wall.
> The last step was to cut the sidewalk and back step by the garage so the
> footings can be dug. I went to the lumberyard and picked up a couple of
> abrasive cutting wheels for my Makita Circ hoping that would do it... Ran
> into my woodshop teacher and he crumbed on the idea - but masonry blades
> were almost a hundred bucks... Anyway, long story short, he said he had
> at his cabinet shop that he would loan me and BLAMMO... Poifect!
> I took the cuts about 1/4 or 1/2" at a time, a bit more aggressively on
> succeeding cuts as it was cutting well. I wore a face shield and as luck
> would have it we had a pretty good breeze this afternoon and I was able to
> be upwind of everything. The dog, however, was lying on the rest of the
> sidewalk - downwind. He sneezed a few times, but couldn't be bothered to
> get up. Of course he's an old orphaned, crippled mutt with three legs, no
> balls, tail, brains, sense or shame, so I wasn't expecting much, given his
> unbroken loosing track record with 2 rottweilers, 1 Doberman and a Chevy
> pickup. I digress. I did notice that the saw sure works harder in
> than it does in doug fir... I'll have pics in the AM...
> The backhoe will be here in the morning - we're going to double and
> double-check our measurements.... More to come...
> Oh boy! ooOOhh Boy! Oboyoboyoboyo!
> John Moorhead


Larry Jaques

in reply to "John Moorhead" on 27/07/2004 6:08 AM

27/07/2004 6:32 PM

On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 06:08:59 GMT, "John Moorhead"
<[email protected]> calmly ranted:

>pickup. I digress. I did notice that the saw sure works harder in concrete
>than it does in doug fir...

Densities are a wee bit different. Kudos on the free loan!

>I'll have pics in the AM...

Yeah, it's important to have both before and after pics.

>The backhoe will be here in the morning - we're going to double and
>double-check our measurements.... More to come...
>Oh boy! ooOOhh Boy! Oboyoboyoboyo!

Congrats, and do remember to tie your patience to your side while
the contractor and city/county inspectors drag things out to the
very extent of the bitter end.

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