

26/07/2004 12:37 PM

Powermatic 60B 8" Jointer - Update

Robert Feeser submitted a customer review TODAY to which clears
up the Powermatic 60B jointer sheet metal table and 287 pound questions:

"I have been researching buying a Powermatic jointer for quite some time. I
was confused after reading the description. Further confusion set in when
the site listed the 60A and nothing on the 60B.
In the manufacturers description area here on the Amazon page, it states
sheet metal beds. The only thing that is sheet metal is the stand, not the
bed. The bed is cast iron.
I was concerned because the previous models, number 60, and 60A were made in
USA and cost approx eighteen hundred dollars. This new one is made in Taiwan
and a little more than half of that price. I talked to Powermatic about it,
and they insisted that they are still being made to Powermatic
Another point is that the shipping weight is listed at 435 pounds, yet in
the manufacturers description on this page, and on the Powermatic site, they
list it at 280 pounds. That is correct for the bed, except that they do not
include the stand, shippped in a separate box, which houses the motor, and
is another 113 pounds. Add some more weight for crating, and there you have
the 435.

OK, time for me to contact my local dealer.
