
[email protected] (Florida Patriot)

12/10/2004 3:44 PM

Bush dishonesty: Ad misrepresents Kerry's views on terror

New Bush ad dishonestly misrepresents Kerry by taking statement out of context.

The Bush ad claims Kerry views terrorism today as merely a nuisance.

But Bush ignores completely the question to which Kerry was replying.

The interviewer asked Kerry "what it would take for Americans to feel safe

''We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the
focus of our lives, but they're a nuisance,'' the article states as the
Massachusetts senator's reply. "

GOP again taking senator's words out of context

This topic has 8 replies


Mark & Juanita

in reply to [email protected] (Florida Patriot) on 12/10/2004 3:44 PM

13/10/2004 8:50 PM

On 12 Oct 2004 15:44:42 -0700, [email protected] (Florida
Patriot) wrote:

... snip of more anti-Bush crap

So FP, how much is George Soros paying you for all this spamming?


Mark & Juanita

in reply to [email protected] (Florida Patriot) on 12/10/2004 3:44 PM

14/10/2004 10:09 PM

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 04:38:52 +0000 (UTC), Andrew Barss
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote:
>: On 12 Oct 2004 15:44:42 -0700, [email protected] (Florida
>: Patriot) wrote:
>: ... snip of more anti-Bush crap
>: So FP, how much is George Soros paying you for all this spamming?
>So Mark, how much is Karl Rove paying you to be his chief shill here?
> -- Andy Barss

Andy, you make a mistake in thinking that I support Karl Rove's
approach to politics. Frankly, Rove has compromised way too much on core
conservative values. However, it would be rather stupid to assume that
Kerry would be more conservative than the alternative, wouldn't it?


"Doug Goulden"

in reply to [email protected] (Florida Patriot) on 12/10/2004 3:44 PM

12/10/2004 10:08 PM

Learn to fill out a ballot and get over it.....

"Florida Patriot" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> New Bush ad dishonestly misrepresents Kerry by taking statement out of
> The Bush ad claims Kerry views terrorism today as merely a nuisance.
> But Bush ignores completely the question to which Kerry was replying.
> The interviewer asked Kerry "what it would take for Americans to feel safe
> again."
> ''We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the
> focus of our lives, but they're a nuisance,'' the article states as the
> Massachusetts senator's reply. "
> GOP again taking senator's words out of context


in reply to "Doug Goulden" on 12/10/2004 10:08 PM

12/10/2004 9:52 PM

How much is Patsy being paid for all this crap?


Dave Hinz

in reply to [email protected] (Florida Patriot) on 12/10/2004 3:44 PM

14/10/2004 2:52 PM

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 04:38:52 +0000 (UTC), Andrew Barss <[email protected]> wrote:
> Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote:
>: So FP, how much is George Soros paying you for all this spamming?
> So Mark, how much is Karl Rove paying you to be his chief shill here?

Great, we all know who the puppetmasters are now, that's good. So,
Andrew, why has _your_ puppet missed all those Senate Intelligence
Committe meetings, and then why did he quit, if he thinks it's so


"Bob Peterson"

in reply to [email protected] (Florida Patriot) on 12/10/2004 3:44 PM

15/10/2004 7:09 AM

Just out of curiousity - just what are Kerry's views on terror? They seem
to shift with the wind.



in reply to [email protected] (Florida Patriot) on 12/10/2004 3:44 PM

12/10/2004 7:16 PM

You know - If you will take time to search the newsgroups for the term
"politic" there are literally hundreds of groups where you can bitch and
moan forever.

Go do it!


Andrew Barss

in reply to [email protected] (Florida Patriot) on 12/10/2004 3:44 PM

14/10/2004 4:38 AM

Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote:
: On 12 Oct 2004 15:44:42 -0700, [email protected] (Florida
: Patriot) wrote:

: ... snip of more anti-Bush crap

: So FP, how much is George Soros paying you for all this spamming?

So Mark, how much is Karl Rove paying you to be his chief shill here?

-- Andy Barss

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