I've been using this for quite some time, and it's working quite well.
It takes only a short time to build, and while it requires some futzing
every now and again, does its job well.
The sawhorse outfeed table is a sawhorse topped with a couple of 2x4s.
The raise the top 2x4 to the appropriate height, short 2x4s were nailed
between the top and bottom. It's like a really small wall.
On top of the wall are some 1x runners that support a piece of hardboard.
The hardboard just rests on the fence rail and the 1x runners. Friction
keeps the hardboard in place but makes it easy to move.
It took about an hour to build 2 and attach them to sawhorses. The
sawhorses are still usable as sawhorses, they're just ~10" taller than
they were.
No references were consulted in creating this work. If you thought of
the idea before I did, congratulations!
Never teach your apprentice everything you know.
On 29 Jul 2010 21:47:06 GMT, Puckdropper
<puckdropper(at)yahoo(dot)com> wrote the following:
>I've been using this for quite some time, and it's working quite well.
>It takes only a short time to build, and while it requires some futzing
>every now and again, does its job well.
>The sawhorse outfeed table is a sawhorse topped with a couple of 2x4s.
>The raise the top 2x4 to the appropriate height, short 2x4s were nailed
>between the top and bottom. It's like a really small wall.
>On top of the wall are some 1x runners that support a piece of hardboard.
>The hardboard just rests on the fence rail and the 1x runners. Friction
>keeps the hardboard in place but makes it easy to move.
>It took about an hour to build 2 and attach them to sawhorses. The
>sawhorses are still usable as sawhorses, they're just ~10" taller than
>they were.
>No references were consulted in creating this work. If you thought of
>the idea before I did, congratulations!
You might not be the first, Pucky.
http://fwd4.me/Z2w 54,900 references.
I built a pair of 40-inchers for door painting and use them often. I
also found a pair of plastic foldables for $20 and popped tubafores on
top. I take those to jobsites.
What I really need to build are some saw ponies.
http://leeharps.com/?p=780 I need short guys too often.
It is pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness;
poverty and wealth have both failed.
-- Kin Hubbard
Good plan. I have been looking at building some
"adjustable" sawhorses. The adjustable part would
be a small plank with two slots down the height that I
attach two threaded knobs. These whould then screw
into a threaded insert on top of the saw. The panel
would bear a roller bar of some sort.
Hope that was clear.