US presidential election.
election for President of America.
Offer from indian gov and indian information
technology companies.
Indian gov is offering mit romney or Barrack obama
a sum of 1 Billion dollars for their presidential campaign
but on the following conditions
if mit romney or Barrack obama
wishes to get 1 billion dollars for their election
campaign they need to fullfill following demands
of indian gov
the demands are
Never ban outsourcing of jobs to Bangalore , india.
increase more outsourcing of jobs to india .
never impose a single dollar of tax on US companies
outsourcing jobs to india .
give tax breaks to US companies who do outsourcing .
increase no of h1B visa for indians .
allow indian immigrants to marry US citizen
for a month and then divorce them and get green cards.
allow indians who come on study visa to Usa ,
to misuse job visa and to work in US illegally .
sell all foreclosed
propreties to indian immigrants at throw away pricises .
each year give 1 lakh green cards to indian immigrants
so that they can breed like animals and finally in a decade
overtake population of original christian US population .
sell india more nuclear so that it can make more
nuclear bombs .
sell india secretly missile technology ,
so thatr india can make ICBM.
donot take any action against US Senators who are bribed by
indian embassy official and information technology companies
for taking pro india stand .
do a fake terror attack in new york and kill a thousand
and then blame pakistan taliban for the attack
and then invade Pakistan.
cut defense funds to pakistan so that pak military
reduces operations on its western borders , so that
more terrorism is promoted in that region which
can finally be exported to afganistan .
reason is we donot want Us military to leave afganistan .
Donot take any action against US tax evaders who
invest their tax evaded money in indian companies ,
by money laundering destinations like
banks of london , swiss banks and Mauritius .
donot give scholarships to US students .
donot open new medical and engineering colleges
in USA , in fact reduce the no of medical and engineering
colleges in usa
donot spend 20 billion dollars for developing cloud
computing infrastructure in Usa which can generate
2 million US Jobs .
infact force US companies to spend same amount in
indian companies for
cloud computing infra in india which can add 2 million
jobs to india.
Final warning , US president should not block
US banks which received US tax payers money of 700
billion dollars from investing in indian companies ,
indian Information technology companies ,
US companies which outsource US jobs to asia
and companies which bring low cost labor from india .
If You block funds then you will be
killed by Cia and blame will be put on Isi . ok .
For Receiving 1 billion dollar , you can contact our
laison official in US which is US sec of state
or directly contact indian foreign minister .
donot do any more delay . ok by R .