I need a mobile base for a bandsaw. I know that the Delta mobile
bases are great, but I will rarely move this thing and it kills be to
pay $60 for something that I can build well and cheaply out of scraps
- if I can get decent casters for a decent price.
Does anyone have experience with the line of casters that Grizzly
sells, cheap. I'm sure they are made in China and are marketed under
the Woodstock International name. They won't see much use and will be
vastly over-rated for the load they will carry.
I am considering two of these and two of the fixed type.
Experiences, comments?
~ Wyatt
Wyatt Wright wrote:
> I need a mobile base for a bandsaw. I know that the Delta mobile
> bases are great, but I will rarely move this thing and it kills be to
> pay $60 for something that I can build well and cheaply out of scraps
> - if I can get decent casters for a decent price.
> Does anyone have experience with the line of casters that Grizzly
> sells, cheap. I'm sure they are made in China and are marketed under
> the Woodstock International name. They won't see much use and will be
> vastly over-rated for the load they will carry.
> I am considering two of these and two of the fixed type.
> http://www.grizzly.com/products/item.cfm?itemnumber=H0672
> Experiences, comments?
> ~ Wyatt
You might want to consider locking casters, but I found that the
5"casters on sale now at harbor freight are a real bargain. Same price
as your grizzly link.
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On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 11:57:04 -0600, BruceR <[email protected]> calmly
>Wyatt Wright wrote:
>> I need a mobile base for a bandsaw. I know that the Delta mobile
>> bases are great, but I will rarely move this thing and it kills be to
>> pay $60 for something that I can build well and cheaply out of scraps
>> - if I can get decent casters for a decent price.
>> Does anyone have experience with the line of casters that Grizzly
>> sells, cheap. I'm sure they are made in China and are marketed under
>> the Woodstock International name. They won't see much use and will be
>> vastly over-rated for the load they will carry.
>> I am considering two of these and two of the fixed type.
>> http://www.grizzly.com/products/item.cfm?itemnumber=H0672
>> Experiences, comments?
>> ~ Wyatt
>You might want to consider locking casters, but I found that the
>5"casters on sale now at harbor freight are a real bargain. Same price
>as your grizzly link.
I've installed about 30 of the 5" cast-iron/rubber wheeled casters
from HF over the last few years (for myself and a neighbor). They're
great, and well worth the $2 to $4 price each on sale. I have 4 of
the 4" blue urethane-wheeled casters for a kitchen cart I'll build
someday, and they're much prettier. The 5-inchers are GREAT in the
shop with several hundreds of pounds on them.
Jack Kevorkian for Congressional physician!
http://www.diversify.com Wondrous Website Design
Just picked up a dozen of Grizzly casters to be used in making a moving
plant stand..... Stand with dirt pots weight about 80 pounds and it rolls
like a dream on concrete. Only paid $0.95 each.... I would assume that four
of them would easily handle 300-400 pounds.
Here is where I bought them if interested..
"Wyatt Wright" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I need a mobile base for a bandsaw. I know that the Delta mobile
> bases are great, but I will rarely move this thing and it kills be to
> pay $60 for something that I can build well and cheaply out of scraps
> - if I can get decent casters for a decent price.
> Does anyone have experience with the line of casters that Grizzly
> sells, cheap. I'm sure they are made in China and are marketed under
> the Woodstock International name. They won't see much use and will be
> vastly over-rated for the load they will carry.
> I am considering two of these and two of the fixed type.
> http://www.grizzly.com/products/item.cfm?itemnumber=H0672
> Experiences, comments?
> ~ Wyatt