I've been collecting metal, parts, tools etc. over the past 6 months
or so and finally started building the beast.
I just finished building two parts for the track.
section 1
section 2
The sections measure 56 inches wide and 8'6 long made with 4" x 6" x
1/4" thick steel angle. The stringers in most instances are the same
That's as far as I've gone so far, I still have to level these up,
butt them together and fasten them together with weld and bolts. I'm
cutting mobile home axles down currently for the project.
The engine I plan to use is an old 1952 4 cyl Wisconsin hay bailer
engine that I bought for 50 bucks.
The only material I need now are a couple 4.5 inch square column
material and some stainless steel cable for a band head leveling
I know I don't have much to show you guys currently, but at least I
finally started building.
Irvington KY
Modat22 wrote:
> The sections measure 56 inches wide and 8'6 long made with 4" x 6" x
> 1/4" thick steel angle. The stringers in most instances are the same
> material.
That's going to be some big whompin' hobby bandmill you'll have there.
Are you aiming for 48" cutting capacity?
I've been collecting the parts for something a little more modest --
maybe 24 or 32" capacity. Maybe I'll even get to it this winter.
Keep us posted on how it turns out.
Good luck!
I managed to level and square my tracks this weekend and finally
welded both track halves together, this monster is heavy! Approx. 680
pounds so far.
My tracks aren't as true as I hoped, the used metal deviates by 1/8 in
a wave pattern along its entire length. I thinking about buying two 20
foot sections of 3" x 3" x 1/4" angle iron and laying them on top of
my existing tracks, shimming them true and tack welding those down to
straighten my track out. I also shortened a mobile home axle to fit my
monster, I'll try to have it hung next weekend.
My motor gets delivered this Friday and I'll start looking around for
some 4" square tubing for my band saw head columns.
I'll post a few pictures latter of my progress and motor, once again
its going to be a slow project as money will limit my progress. I plan
on building the band saw head over the winter in my shop (if I can get
the motor in there).
Happy Trails!
Sam G
Irvington, KY
On 25 Oct 2005 14:03:05 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
>That's going to be some big whompin' hobby bandmill you'll have there.
>Are you aiming for 48" cutting capacity?
>I've been collecting the parts for something a little more modest --
>maybe 24 or 32" capacity. Maybe I'll even get to it this winter.
>Keep us posted on how it turns out.
>Good luck!
I'll end up with near to a 38 inch throat capacity. I'm trying to keep
the band wheel axles close to the band saw support columns which will
ride on the angles of the finished tracks.
I made the track this large and mobile to transport some of the cut
lumber home without worrying about it bending, flexing etc. and also
because the steel was free.
My band saw head will be sized around my engine that I bought last
week, Its quite large and heavy so I might end up with a 40" or larger
throat to accommodate the motor.