

20/09/2004 10:56 PM

Shear, helical, staggered head from Byrd for G1018HW

Has anybody done a jointer head replacement using the replacement part from
Byrd Tool Corporation? On paper the combination of Grizzly G1018HW
(http://www.grizzly.com/products/item.cfm?itemnumber=G1018HW) and Byrd 8"
shelix head (http://www.byrdtool.com/journals.html) looks reasonable. The
price (695 + 449) is less than the Shop Fox W1705 (1,350) and in theory, you
should get better surface quality with the "rounded" shelical blades than
with the "straight" helical blades in W1705.

If you have done similar head replacement with some other 6" - 10" jointer,
please share your experience. You can see the Delta DJ20 head picture here,
http://www.byrdtool.com/dj20.jpg, and Powermatic P50 head picture here,

Any comments about BTC company and their products?

Cheers, Ollie