Traves W. Coppock <newsgroups-AT-farmvalleywoodworks-DOT-com> wrote:
> for the love of God and all things holy, PLEASE PLEASE,,,dont feed the
> cross posting trolls!!!!!!!
> killing these threads is hard enough, so don't add to the pile of dodo
> by responding to them
> Traves
Yes but the dodo is extinct, so if we add trolls to the pile won't they be
extinct too?
I know, I know. I'll behave. Promise
Joe Shmoe <[email protected]> wrote in
> Yes but the dodo is extinct, so if we add trolls to the pile won't
> they be extinct too?
> I know, I know. I'll behave. Promise
No, trolls spring up from the fundamental components of the
universe, kind of like politicians... dang it.
---- Remove the "fool" to email one.