
[email protected] (Avery Johnson)

23/07/2004 9:53 AM

? from Reporter

I'm a journalist doing a story on wood prices. Any of you have time to
share your experiences? Drop me an email -- [email protected]

This topic has 11 replies


in reply to [email protected] (Avery Johnson) on 23/07/2004 9:53 AM

23/07/2004 2:30 PM

It is cheaper to buy a rocking horse made in China than to buy the wood
to build it - I'm still amazed by this. So it's not cost effective to
build generic off the shelf things - like bookshelves, etc.

Another story that is near and dear to my heart is the elimination of
industrial arts in schools. The schools in the SF Bay Area stress
computers and a college prep type classes. The only classes I remember
from Junior High and Senior High were my woodshop classes (and yes, I
did take Calculas). I built a butler tray table for my mother and it's
the only momento she has from me from my high school days. I make my
living using a computer, but I spend my spare time wood working. After
a day of work, the last thing I want to do is stare at a computer
screen. We are programming a generation of computer users and there is
little or no value placed on industrial arts. That is the story you
should write...

Avery Johnson wrote:
> I'm a journalist doing a story on wood prices. Any of you have time to
> share your experiences? Drop me an email -- [email protected]


[email protected] (Charlie Self)

in reply to [email protected] (Avery Johnson) on 23/07/2004 9:53 AM

23/07/2004 5:07 PM

Avery Johnson writes:

>I'm a journalist doing a story on wood prices. Any of you have time to
>share your experiences? Drop me an email -- [email protected]

A wee bit of specificity might help. Hard? Soft? Domestic? Exotic? Dry? Green?
Rough? S2S? S4S? FAS or Common or somewhere in between?

Charlie Self
"I think the most un-American thing you can say is, 'You can't say that.' "
Garrison Keillor


in reply to [email protected] (Avery Johnson) on 23/07/2004 9:53 AM

23/07/2004 3:25 PM

Fri, Jul 23, 2004, 9:53am (EDT-3) [email protected]
(Avery=A0Johnson) claims:
I'm a journalist doing a story on wood prices. Any of you have time to
share your experiences? <snip>

With one of the fourth estate? I doubt it. Give me a reason why..

Every thing that happens stays happened.
- Death waxes philosophical



in reply to [email protected] (Avery Johnson) on 23/07/2004 9:53 AM

23/07/2004 2:13 PM

As I am unsure what information you are looking for, I'll just 'bullet point
some thoughts'

I am a woodworker and a builder.

As serious hobbyist, I tend to buy hardwoods for furniture projects. Some
exotics types as I need them.

As a builder, I build houses for the poor in Tijuana Mexico. The wood we
buy there is 30% higher and of a lesser quality. NAFTA?

Plywood costs have skyrocketed! Some say it's due to the exporting of
plywood going to Iraq and China. Some say the Feds have forced the closure
of many of the plywood factories. Environmental concerns.

I live in Southern California and thousands of acres of pine trees have been
devastated by the bark beetle. I now see truckloads going by my office
everyday, yet the cost of this wood remains high.

Most local contractors hesitate on bidding jobs tightly due to the wild
variances in price.

The local lumber yards have been swallowed up by the 'Borg' (Home
Depot/Lowes). They sold lumber at cost or below until all off the local
smaller yards closed. Now their prices are higher, quality, selection and
service are pitiful but our choices are limited.

Wood is a natural, biodegradable and renewable resource. So why do the
so-called environmentalists buy cheap furniture made from synthetic wood and
or particle board. Imagine the chemicals used in the production of this
stuff that will just end up in the dump in less than five years.

I visited a lumber mill in Eureka a few years ago. I commented on the huge
amount or redwood, spruce and fir timber he had staked in his yard. He told
me it was all being shipped raw, to CHINA!

If you need more info please do not hesitate to ask.

Dave Bower

"Avery Johnson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I'm a journalist doing a story on wood prices. Any of you have time to
> share your experiences? Drop me an email -- [email protected]


patriarch <[email protected]>

in reply to [email protected] (Avery Johnson) on 23/07/2004 9:53 AM

24/07/2004 3:56 AM

[email protected] wrote in news:1090618351.739555@sj-nntpcache-3:

> Another story that is near and dear to my heart is the elimination of
> industrial arts in schools. The schools in the SF Bay Area stress
> computers and a college prep type classes. The only classes I remember
> from Junior High and Senior High were my woodshop classes (and yes, I
> did take Calculas). I built a butler tray table for my mother and it's
> the only momento she has from me from my high school days. I make my
> living using a computer, but I spend my spare time wood working. After
> a day of work, the last thing I want to do is stare at a computer
> screen. We are programming a generation of computer users and there is
> little or no value placed on industrial arts. That is the story you
> should write...
Look up the articles in Aug '04 Woodwork magazine on the Sloyd system.
Doug Stowe wrote or contributed to them. Great historical piece, and a
good set of reasons for having handwork in the current curriculum.

who took history & government during the summers in order to take arts &
crafts courses in the regular school year, 35 years ago....



in reply to [email protected] (Avery Johnson) on 23/07/2004 9:53 AM

23/07/2004 12:34 PM

I'm with Charlie - Are you addressing home building or wood working?

"Avery Johnson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I'm a journalist doing a story on wood prices. Any of you have time to
> share your experiences? Drop me an email -- [email protected]


[email protected] (Charlie Self)

in reply to "RonB" on 23/07/2004 12:34 PM

23/07/2004 6:14 PM

RonB responds:

>I'm with Charlie - Are you addressing home building or wood working?
>"Avery Johnson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> I'm a journalist doing a story on wood prices. Any of you have time to
>> share your experiences? Drop me an email -- [email protected]

From a later post, I'd gather he doesn't really know the difference.

Charlie Self
"I think the most un-American thing you can say is, 'You can't say that.'"
Garrison Keillor


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to [email protected] (Avery Johnson) on 23/07/2004 9:53 AM

24/07/2004 3:38 AM

"Avery Johnson" <[email protected]> wrote in message

> I'm a journalist doing a story on wood prices. Any of you have time to
> share your experiences? Drop me an email -- [email protected]

As a hobbyist, the price of wood does not affect me. If the price goes up,
I just don't let my wife get her prescriptions filled every month. When you
have to choose between 10 board feet of cherry or heart medication, well.
that piece of furniture just has to get done.



in reply to [email protected] (Avery Johnson) on 23/07/2004 9:53 AM

23/07/2004 8:32 PM

"J T" wrote in message

>Give me a reason why....

Tracy Chapman already asked .. you probably won't get an anwer either.

Last update: 7/10/04


in reply to "Swingman" on 23/07/2004 8:32 PM

24/07/2004 12:36 AM

Fri, Jul 23, 2004, 8:32pm (EDT-1) [email protected] (Swingman) says:
Tracy Chapman already asked .. you probably won't get an anwer either.

It would only surprise me if I did.

Expensive tennis shoes won't cure a sore toe.
- Bazooka Joe


"Mark L."

in reply to [email protected] (Avery Johnson) on 23/07/2004 9:53 AM

24/07/2004 5:34 PM

as long as you have enough $ for wood and good 'Q', what else does a man
need??? ;-) Mark L.

Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "Avery Johnson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>I'm a journalist doing a story on wood prices. Any of you have time to
>>share your experiences? Drop me an email -- [email protected]
> As a hobbyist, the price of wood does not affect me. If the price goes up,
> I just don't let my wife get her prescriptions filled every month. When you
> have to choose between 10 board feet of cherry or heart medication, well.
> that piece of furniture just has to get done.
> Ed

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