On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 11:19:08 -0600, Stan Mulder wrote
(in article <[email protected]>):
> I've got a nice oak slat park bench that I pulled from the trash and
> fixed up with stainless fasteners and new wood a few years ago. The
> problem now is mildew affecting the oak.
> Originally I covered the wood with something called ClearThane (from a
> "Wood You" store) which I assume is a thinner version of polyurethane
> which works well on indoor furniture.
> I would like some help with the next restoration. Besides the mildew the
> wood is still good, so I'd like to use it, although I would guess teak,
> cypress or cedar might be better.
> My plan it to sand down the mildew and recoat it with something. With what
> I don't know. I'm open to suggestions. Help appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Stan
I'm repairing an oak slat park bench as well. The original was located on a
porch so the only "problem" was the finish flaking. I re-sanded all the slats
and covered it with a spar varnish. THis lasted about a year in the elements
(exposed) so now I have a supply of ipe which I will use as a finish
free-maintenance free replacement. At about $7 a bf, much cheaper than teak,
although I had to mail order it since the closest supplier is 300 miles away.