Mark & Juanita

22/08/2009 10:28 PM

Cleaning up drawers

As related in previous postings, the Akeda jig delivered on good dovetail
joints for the end table drawers. I screwed up some of the joints by
finish scraping the wrong places when finish scraping the insides before
glue-up, but that was my problem.

The drawers are now happily glued up and I'm now in the final stages of
cleanup -- planing the top and bottom of the sides even all around, planing
the dovetail pins flush to the sides, finish scraping, and breaking the
edges. I really like this phase of the construction -- spending time with
hand planes and scrapers, getting those fluffy curls coming off the
workpiece and seeing the rough drawer transformed into a clean, ready to
fit and finish component. Being able to have the radio in the background
and just use those tools is very therapeutic. ... and fun, did I mention


There is never a situation where having more rounds is a disadvantage

Rob Leatham