My letter to customer service:
Just so you know...
I was about to order the digital caliper for $15.99 even though the shipping
was $3.95. I ended up canceling because on the last page you put in a $5.95
"handling" charge. Bit deceptive to wait until the order is almost done,
don't you think. Not to mention the "bait and switch" technique of
advertising a lowball price just to jam somebody for $10 in "shipping and
You lost a customer on this one. I won't be back.
Anybody else order from them and feel this way or am I just over reacting?
If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam
You need to order over $50.00 then the shipping is free just pay the $5.95
handling charge. I've been happy with most from them considering the price.
jtpr <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> My letter to customer service:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Just so you know...
> I was about to order the digital caliper for $15.99 even though the
> was $3.95. I ended up canceling because on the last page you put in a
> "handling" charge. Bit deceptive to wait until the order is almost done,
> don't you think. Not to mention the "bait and switch" technique of
> advertising a lowball price just to jam somebody for $10 in "shipping and
> handling".
> You lost a customer on this one. I won't be back.
> -Jim
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Anybody else order from them and feel this way or am I just over reacting?
> -Jim
> ©¿©¬
> If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
> Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam
You need to order over $50.00 then the shipping is free just pay the $5.95
handling charge. I've been happy with most from them considering the price.
jtpr <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> My letter to customer service:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Just so you know...
> I was about to order the digital caliper for $15.99 even though the
> was $3.95. I ended up canceling because on the last page you put in a
> "handling" charge. Bit deceptive to wait until the order is almost done,
> don't you think. Not to mention the "bait and switch" technique of
> advertising a lowball price just to jam somebody for $10 in "shipping and
> handling".
> You lost a customer on this one. I won't be back.
> -Jim
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Anybody else order from them and feel this way or am I just over reacting?
> -Jim
> ©¿©¬
> If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
> Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam
Right. It's not so much the money. A similar thing at LV is about $32.
It's the principal of the thing, the deception. I never realized HF had
retail stores, I'll look around and see if there are any in MA or NH near
If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam
"Silvan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> jtpr wrote:
> > Anybody else order from them and feel this way or am I just over
> No, I don't think so. I completed the order, got shafted on the
> exhorbitant shipping, and then it took like three weeks for the damn thing
> to get here on top of all that.
> Ordering from Lee Valley is much more enjoyable.
> --
> Michael McIntyre ---- Silvan <[email protected]>
> Linux fanatic, and certified Geek; registered Linux user #243621
jtpr wrote:
> Anybody else order from them and feel this way or am I just over reacting?
No, I don't think so. I completed the order, got shafted on the absolutely
exhorbitant shipping, and then it took like three weeks for the damn thing
to get here on top of all that.
Ordering from Lee Valley is much more enjoyable.
Michael McIntyre ---- Silvan <[email protected]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek; registered Linux user #243621
Here's another story:
I ordered a Jet 1014 Mini Wood Lathe with Tools-Plus, CT for $209.00 which I
thought was a good price. In the shipping I asked for a quote (to Ontario,
Canada) before actually buying it. They e-mailed me back stating that it
would cost $242.88 (brokerage included) for UPS shipping costs (for 80
lbs). And duty and taxes would be payable at the door. That's more than the
cost of the lathe.
UPS costs are definately excessive!!!!!
Anyway, cancelled the order. Now I need to find another one.
hopefully in Canada
"jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> My letter to customer service:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Just so you know...
> I was about to order the digital caliper for $15.99 even though the
> was $3.95. I ended up canceling because on the last page you put in a
> "handling" charge. Bit deceptive to wait until the order is almost done,
> don't you think. Not to mention the "bait and switch" technique of
> advertising a lowball price just to jam somebody for $10 in "shipping and
> handling".
> You lost a customer on this one. I won't be back.
> -Jim
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Anybody else order from them and feel this way or am I just over reacting?
> -Jim
> ©¿©¬
> If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
> Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam
"jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Bit deceptive to wait until the order is almost done,
> don't you think. Not to mention the "bait and switch" technique of
> advertising a lowball price just to jam somebody for $10 in "shipping and
> handling".
> Anybody else order from them and feel this way or am I just over reacting?
> -Jim
> ©¿©¬
I don't readily see it on the web page, but their magazine ads plainly state
a haadling charge for the order. If you go to the FAQ page, there is a
button for the shipping terms and conditions. IMO, it should be on the front
While it does piss you off, they really do have to make a charge to handle a
$3 order. The amount of paperwork processing, packing labor, packing
materils, etc. do add up.
Last Monday I wanted a knob for a fixture I was making. I could have
ordered it for 99¢ and paid shipping and handling charges. Did I save
anything since I chose to drive 80 miles round trip to go get it? I later
saw a smilar knob at a local hardware store and they wanted $4 for it. Talk
about markups! That still would have been cheaper than my 80 mile jaunt.
Muchcheaper because since I was out, I ended up going another 20 miles and
buying a $200 drill.
Thanks for the link.
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "James D. Farrow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> > I ordered a Jet 1014 Mini Wood Lathe with Tools-Plus, CT for $209.00
which I
> ><snip>
> > UPS costs are definately excessive!!!!!
> Yep.
> > Anyway, cancelled the order. Now I need to find another one.
> > hopefully in Canada
> Page 6 of the King woodworking
> flyer has more or less the same lathe (10x16"), including chisels, for
> C$299 or about US$239. A little more, but a little bigger and you get
> 8 chisels. Tegs is in Hamilton, but any local King dealer should
> honour this price.
"James D. Farrow" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> I ordered a Jet 1014 Mini Wood Lathe with Tools-Plus, CT for $209.00 which I
> UPS costs are definately excessive!!!!!
> Anyway, cancelled the order. Now I need to find another one.
> hopefully in Canada Page 6 of the King woodworking
flyer has more or less the same lathe (10x16"), including chisels, for
C$299 or about US$239. A little more, but a little bigger and you get
8 chisels. Tegs is in Hamilton, but any local King dealer should
honour this price.
On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 16:54:59 -0400, "jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote:
>I was about to order the digital caliper for $15.99 even though the shipping
>was $3.95. I ended up canceling because on the last page you put in a $5.95
Yeah... Ditto, sort'a. I like that caliper - even with the added fees
it ended up being cheaper than what I could find it elsewhere. So I
bought it and use it, and like it.
HF may be in the "worst" offender list, but they're not alone. I had a
$10 gift cert from Griz. I thought about buying some galoo - but
they've got a six or seven dollar minimum S&H charge too.
Sounds like there's no HF retail store near you. They'll match the
'net and catalog prices in store, you just have to bring in the ad.
Hmmm - wonder if there's a biz opportunity here. I'll run down and buy
it for $15.99 + tax, and resell it for $15.99 + tax + real shipping +
> Page 6 of the King woodworking
> flyer has more or less the same lathe (10x16"), including chisels, for
> C$299 or about US$239. A little more, but a little bigger and you get
> 8 chisels. Tegs is in Hamilton, but any local King dealer should
> honour this price.
Now that's some seriously colorful porn!
to customer service:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Just so you know...
> I was about to order the digital caliper for $15.99 even though the shipping
> was $3.95. I ended up canceling because on the last page you put in a $5.95
> "handling" charge. Bit deceptive to wait until the order is almost done,
> don't you think. Not to mention the "bait and switch" technique of
> advertising a lowball price just to jam somebody for $10 in "shipping and
> handling".
> You lost a customer on this one. I won't be back.
> -Jim
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Anybody else order from them and feel this way or am I just over reacting?
On the one and only order I have ever done with HF I ran into that, I thought it was rediculous
but i did it anyway. I bought ten 1/2" pipe clamp fixtures for $2.99 each but even with that
charge it's still a huge savings compared to buying jorgensens. You could consider that ideal
on other kinds of purchases and not about the small stuff. The clamps work really well. You'll
always pay around $20 for the same on eBay:
But, the cheapest way is to go into an HF store.
On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 09:35:18 -0400, "jtpr" <[email protected]> calmly
>Right. It's not so much the money. A similar thing at LV is about $32.
>It's the principal of the thing, the deception. I never realized HF had
>retail stores, I'll look around and see if there are any in MA or NH near
No to both states. Are you not worthy? ;) NY, PA, and MD look the
closest (to Berlin?). It would cost a lot more than the $5.95 handling
cost to get there, as far as I know.
Poverty is easy. *
It's Charity and Chastity that are hard. * Data-based Website Design
On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 16:54:59 -0400, "jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote:
>Anybody else order from them and feel this way or am I just over reacting?
I always wait until I have enough stuff I want to get the free
shipping, then you only pay the 5.95 handling charge. I could drive
across town and browse the store, but they never have the giz I'm
looking for on the shelf.
Tim Douglass