
[email protected] (GTO69RA4)

14/10/2004 8:41 PM

Decent budget TS switch?

I'm just about done getting a vintage 1.5HP Rockwell contractor's saw back
together, and the original toggle switch crapped out on me. Do any of you folks
have favorites for modern swtiches that're easier to use (like a large button
type, etc) and easy on the wallet? I'll probably just get another cheap toggle
or a 20A light switch rather than some kind of $40+ specialty switch if it's in
that range.


This topic has 8 replies



in reply to [email protected] (GTO69RA4) on 14/10/2004 8:41 PM

14/10/2004 2:02 PM

These are what I used.

These are what I used. Oh wait - $40.00 - Go to the Borg and buy a switch
made for lights - $6.00 for 10.

key phrase "original toggle switch crapped out on me"


"GTO69RA4" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I'm just about done getting a vintage 1.5HP Rockwell contractor's saw back
> together, and the original toggle switch crapped out on me. Do any of you
> folks
> have favorites for modern swtiches that're easier to use (like a large
> button
> type, etc) and easy on the wallet? I'll probably just get another cheap
> toggle
> or a 20A light switch rather than some kind of $40+ specialty switch if
> it's in
> that range.
> GTO(John)


[email protected] (GTO69RA4)

in reply to "TeamCasa" on 14/10/2004 2:02 PM

15/10/2004 12:23 AM

>These are what I used.
>These are what I used. Oh wait - $40.00 - Go to the Borg and buy a switch
>made for lights - $6.00 for 10.
>key phrase "original toggle switch crapped out on me"

Not the kind of thing I'm looking for, I already have a primo heater-type
three-pole starter switch. If I want to use a flip swtich on this thing I'll
just stick with the original metal toggle. It lasted 30 years and change and
that's good enough for me.

FYI, normal light switches are no good. They 20A industrial service models are
what I was considering.



Andy Dingley

in reply to [email protected] (GTO69RA4) on 14/10/2004 8:41 PM

14/10/2004 10:16 PM

On 14 Oct 2004 20:41:26 GMT, [email protected] (GTO69RA4) wrote:

>I'll probably just get another cheap toggle or a 20A light switch

Get a magnetic contactor. It has no-volt release, so the saw doesn't
start unexpectedly. It's also easy to fit multiple stop (or STOP! )

Fit an isolator switch too.

Hey, your fingers...

Smert' spamionam


Unisaw A100

in reply to [email protected] (GTO69RA4) on 14/10/2004 8:41 PM

14/10/2004 9:12 PM

GTO John:
>I'm just about done getting a vintage 1.5HP Rockwell contractor's saw back
>together, and the original toggle switch crapped out on me. Do any of you folks
>have favorites for modern swtiches that're easier to use (like a large button
>type, etc) and easy on the wallet? I'll probably just get another cheap toggle
>or a 20A light switch rather than some kind of $40+ specialty switch if it's in
>that range.

Believe it or don't but the best (OK, least expensive)
switch I've found is the one sold by Jet for their Sooperdy
Dooperdy Saw. I'm installing one for An Ultimate Router
Table that set me back a whole whopping $20ish. I did bead
blast it and re-paint it first.

You can find the manual on the Jet ((The WMHeLeMiNOhPee
Group) site and then it's a matter of calling and ordering.

It's as simple as eating pie.



[email protected] (GTO69RA4)

in reply to Unisaw A100 on 14/10/2004 9:12 PM

15/10/2004 12:24 AM

>Believe it or don't but the best (OK, least expensive)
>switch I've found is the one sold by Jet for their Sooperdy
>Dooperdy Saw. I'm installing one for An Ultimate Router
>Table that set me back a whole whopping $20ish. I did bead
>blast it and re-paint it first.
>You can find the manual on the Jet ((The WMHeLeMiNOhPee
>Group) site and then it's a matter of calling and ordering.
>It's as simple as eating pie.

Thanks, I remember I'd heard about that in the past. Coming from the Duke
himself it's gotta be golden.



patrick conroy

in reply to [email protected] (GTO69RA4) on 14/10/2004 8:41 PM

14/10/2004 11:05 PM

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 21:12:13 GMT, Unisaw A100 <[email protected]>

>Believe it or don't but the best (OK, least expensive)
>switch I've found is the one sold by Jet for their Sooperdy
>Dooperdy Saw. I'm installing one for An Ultimate Router
>Table that set me back a whole whopping $20ish. I did bead
>blast it and re-paint it first.

1) How's that table progressing? Still Ultimate, or starting to
resemble "the babe sitting next to you as 2am Bar Time approaches"?

2) You made my day. I'm happy to know that the table saw I spent $800
bucks on has a decent $20 switch. I got all my tools marked with
Post-It notes, so when I croak, my wife will know how much to sell
them off for. I'm upping my SuperSaw sticker by twenty bux.


Unisaw A100

in reply to [email protected] (GTO69RA4) on 14/10/2004 8:41 PM

15/10/2004 4:23 AM

patrick conroy wrote:
>1) How's that table progressing? Still Ultimate, or starting to
>resemble "the babe sitting next to you as 2am Bar Time approaches"?

It's done. Actually I owe it another couple of swipes of
she-lak but it's done. An Ultimate Router Table Fence has
not been started and a good straight 2X4 sits ate the ready
for duty when required.

>2) You made my day. I'm happy to know that the table saw I spent $800
>bucks on has a decent $20 switch. I got all my tools marked with
>Post-It notes, so when I croak, my wife will know how much to sell
>them off for. I'm upping my SuperSaw sticker by twenty bux.

There you go.



patrick conroy

in reply to [email protected] (GTO69RA4) on 14/10/2004 8:41 PM

15/10/2004 6:05 PM

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 04:23:32 -0500, Unisaw A100 <[email protected]>

>It's done. Actually I owe it another couple of swipes of
>she-lak but it's done.

We're watching ABPW... :)

> An Ultimate Router Table Fence has
>not been started and a good straight 2X4 sits ate the ready
>for duty when required.

That's one that Pat Warner has on his site. If it's good 'nuff for
T.R.G., it's good enough...

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