I bought my first non-plunge router. It's a Porter-Cable. To move the bit
up and down, one loosens a lever and turns the base. Mine doesn't seem to
be right. When I loosen the lever, the base begins to turn on its own. If
I tighten the bolt holding the lever to the point where it won't move except
when I twist it, the lever won't close after I adjust. Am I doing something
wrong? How can I adjust it so that it won't move unless I twist it but will
still lock in place?
Your description & undersatnding of the problem indicates you are at
Do not operate this tool until you have a handle on this.
The information is in the manual. Continue as you are and expect
http://www.patwarner.com (Routers)
Jim Staley wrote:
> I bought my first non-plunge router. It's a Porter-Cable. To move the bit
> up and down, one loosens a lever and turns the base. Mine doesn't seem to
> be right. When I loosen the lever, the base begins to turn on its own. If
> I tighten the bolt holding the lever to the point where it won't move except
> when I twist it, the lever won't close after I adjust. Am I doing something
> wrong? How can I adjust it so that it won't move unless I twist it but will
> still lock in place?
On Sun, 7 Jan 2007 12:24:19 -0500, "Jim Staley" <[email protected]>
>I bought my first non-plunge router. It's a Porter-Cable. To move the bit
>up and down, one loosens a lever and turns the base. Mine doesn't seem to
>be right. When I loosen the lever, the base begins to turn on its own. If
>I tighten the bolt holding the lever to the point where it won't move except
>when I twist it, the lever won't close after I adjust. Am I doing something
>wrong? How can I adjust it so that it won't move unless I twist it but will
>still lock in place?
I have a PC 690 and mine is the same; it will start turning on its own
once the base clamp is loosened. If I have it in a router table, and I
am not careful, it will fall on the floor.