Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus. The
same applies to muslims, and other non-believers.
"Cindy Duncan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
> There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
> God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
> Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
> will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus. The
> same applies to muslims, and other non-believers.
I guess I'll see you in Hell.
Cindy Duncan wrote:
> >
> > Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
> > There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
> > God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
> > Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
> > will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus. The
> > same applies to muslims, and other non-believers.
Damned Republicans! This is not the place for campaign speeches!
A President lied to us with the terrible consequence that a woman had
to send her dress to the cleaners. Another President came along and
lied to us and the only thing that happened was that thousands of
innocent people died. Jeez! Go figure!
usenet *at* davidillig dawt com
"Cindy Duncan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
> There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
> God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
> Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
> will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus. The
> same applies to muslims, and other non-believers.
Judge not lest you be judged.
And while you are about it, go shove your primitive belief in the
supernatural, learn to think for yourself instead of neanderthal babbling
what others have told you, and join the 21st century, rather than wallowing
in the 2000 year old superstitions of primitive people.
And don't have the temerity to lecture and insult your betters. Did Jesus
teach this? Is this your Christian morality?
[email protected] (Cindy Duncan) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
> There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
> God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
> Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
> will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus. The
> same applies to muslims, and other non-believers.
I expect I'm wrong "Cindy" but wouldn't this troll generate more
belligerance if you included some religious groups or are the flames
more esteticaly pleasing if they come from arts and crafts people ?
On 27 Aug 2003 17:44:34 -0700, [email protected] (Cindy Duncan)
>Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
>There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
>God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
>Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
>will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus. The
>same applies to muslims, and other non-believers.
I don't join clubs.
I don't think jews have a hell, therefore they ain't going there.
On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 02:55:27 GMT, "Neville Lindsay"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>Now that is the most perspicacious comment made on this ng this month. We
>make our own hells and heavens in our minds, and if it ain't there, indeed
>you aren't going there.
If you insist.
Just a couple of quick observations from a furiner :) I am a 3rd generation
American Finn with some questionalble Norwegian in there somewhere, Anyway--
Just out of curiosity from one who is ignorant of modern Finnish ways, as my
grandmother (the full-blooded Finn),
would say, "Why the hell are you listening to a Swede?"
REF: HC "Andersen"?
Have you all become buddy-buddy since my Great grandfather migrated her in
1882? I admit my ignorance, but my Finnish relatives are under the
impressionthat while you cooperate and even like some Swede's, you don't
fully approve of them overall in their ideologies. Please correct me if I
I'm really just joking, this is all very light hearted for me.
Oh wait a minute, most of these responses CAME from Americans, no wonder you
kind of think of us like the Swedes. Can't blame you there. Truth is, I
don't fit in to all this fighting you see here in America and as you see in
this string. Don't know where I do fit in, but if I ever come to FInland, I
won't act like the Americans who posted on these strings.
A few more observations if you'd like to read on.
(Did you know Jesus swore)? I can find the reference for you if you'd like.
The word in Hebrew is Rakka, a swear word (I don't know how to spell it).
Translated to english is "abomination" and about the worst thing you can say
about someone in Hebrew. He called the Pharisees a "den of Vipers" and
"bigger son's of hell than those they were leading to hell" with their
corruption and disregard for the poor, the widow, the people. (REF: Mathew)
Remember there is an enemy no one likes to talk about, and if you haven't
seen true evil in this world, then maybe you can't conceptualize a truly
evil enemy of mankind and God. But try. God will show you if you seek Him
But let's get real here. For those unsure of even if God is real, let me
tell you how I understand Him, if you are willing.
We're talking about an omniscient (all knowing), all powerful being with no
end and no beginning for which time is not a constant. One who created us
in His image with free choice as He has. One who keeps His word and does
not force us to worship Him. He also doesn't intervene without being asked.
You who do not believe or are not sure are prayed for by a few good
Christisans who have the same wish as God; that none should perish.
One who saw an enemy infiltrate and deceive us in the garden of Eden and
intoducing sin into our lives. We can relate to the nature of this being
about as well as an ant can relate to us.
Since He is all good He repel's evil. He knows what sin is and he rejects
it. Evil dies in His presence. We can't look upon Him or we'd die. (Or,
like the ant, if we wander to close, we may get burned up by His warmth and
our cold sin). One little white lie sends us to hell without Jesus. I ask
you does that make sense?
Metaphors are popular in my Finnish American family. Are they there in
Indulge me in a scenario, as this explains how I understand from the bible,
my beloved mother, my wonderful Finnish grandmother and yes the church.
God makes all kinds of wonderful life, some of which we have never seen.
Angels, the holy spirit, and all kinds of others. Finally, He decides he
wants to create life in his own image. Us. (REF: Genesis) He wants us not
to just love him because he wanted company like the angels who envy us.
(REF: One of the prophet's in the old testament, lool under angels in the
concordance). Although they have free will and are not required to love and
adore God above all others (worship), they are not like Him, not in His
image. We are.
So here we come and God creates earth with all it's wonderful creatures.
His child is lonely and a partner would be good company and could make more
children -- more children for God to love.
Then one of His angels is outraged that these new creatures are put above
him. They don't worship God as the angels do and future generations may be
even worse. Something must be done now to force these beings into
submission. So Lucifer, the angel of t"he morning star", goes before God
with his complaints and God says no, I want them to love me of their own
free will.
Then Lucifers true motives come to light and it is revealed he has turned
many angels from God and has been planning a takeover. He believes he is
above God and challenges Him.
Well what would you do? Keep him around and hope he changes his mind?
Lucifer is driven by a sin that consumes him; power. He wants power over
all. Remember God knows all of our hearts and the hearts of His angels. He
feels goodness and repels evil. When it is clear, God's beloved Lucifer is
nothing more than a dead man walking and is beyond his own ability to change
his mind,
"he, (Lucifer), is cast out from God" (REF the prophets old testament).
Like Lucifer becomes Satan and literally is repelled from heaven. Now Satan
is on borrowed time waitin for the eternal lock up.
Back to the garden. Satan has lost but he can still hurt God. What is it
called, "not going down without a fight". You may win but I'll hurt you
too. So Satan deceives us. The punnishment for sin is death, the death
Satan will receive. Why? Enemies. Evil enemies who are so consumed they
have no more choice
There's much more, but let's skip forward (REF: Holy Bible).
So here we are. God is outside time. He is running reconnossance and there
will come a point when He is out of time to do this. He is trying to save
the condemned who are deceived by the enemy. Many prophesies from the old
testament and new have come to pass in the last 100 years. The jews re-took
Israel in 194? There are codes and calculations that Theologists have
discovered that add up to the exact day this happened, March 12, 194? And
many many more to discover.
He's seen the end of us all and Jesus even said in (REF: Mathew), regarding
end times and the 7 year reign of the anti christ that "these days will be
cut short or no one would survive". And goes on to mention His second
coming and His thousand year reign. John, Jesus disciple, later recounts it
in his vision, Revelation.
(Check for yourself. You have to read thouroughly, but most of what I've
said has references you can look up under links to the "Left Behind" series
which quotes many of these scriptures. I'm not sure I understand it all or
agree with everything these guys say but the bible references are there.)
But why should the bible be enough for me with it's countless translations
and no doubt, mistakes in those
translations? That was my father's biggest problem with the bible as a
I see it like this.
1) Back to the ant analogy. God is to us as we are to ants. We are the
ants. But God, being the scientist and all powerful creature that He is has
made contact with us. You've heard the bible called "The Word of God". One
word was probably all we could handle. It took the whole bible to say it!
What if He'd tried to communicate a sentence or the whole story? Isn't the
one Word hard enough to understand?
2) Many say, well, why doesn't God show us more of heaven? Why not more
miracles, why not a quick tour of heaven so we can see for ourselves? Well,
God is not a genie to grant all our wishes. He's on a misssion to save us
all from destruction. He has mapped out a plan and is intervening in all of
our lives through our prayers for one another and His love for us. Who
knows how many of us on one timeline never had the chance to accept Him, but
He intervened in one life that made it possiible for us to find Him in
But if He saves this one, Many more will be lost. For example, if he let's
this media person hide the truth, many will not have a fair chance to learn
the truth of some event in the world that may lead many more to Him. I have
no idea the reasons God chooses the way He does, but He does and He knows
more than I do. Things I've asked for and not gotten have been revealed
later in my life as a good thing.
He may take a loved one whose work is done. They don't have to deal with
all the crap anymore. Of course we miss sharing the good in this life with
them too and miss them.
How can God let bad things happen? How can we have free will if God already
knows the future? And if God knows the future and already has "the saved"
written in his "Book of Life", why would He choose this rotten hipocryte of
a Christian over my agnostic friend Joe who lives more like a Christian than
the Christian?
Because you don't hear enough of the Christians like the one who started
this thread remind people of how much and how desparately He loves us, ALL
of us.
Do you know Jesus tells us to bite our tongues or "control our tongues" at
times? The truth can be said in such an ununloving way that it drives
people from God, not to Him. Christians are supposed to act on the peace
and strength he gives about when to speak a truth. I've wanted to prove
other people, Christians and others wrong so bad sometimes I thought I'd
But while God was showing me, BIBLICALLY, that this person was wrong, He
told me He was dealing with this person and to not say what was on my heart.
You see He only told me they were wrong because He could depend on me to do
as He said. Other times, I blow it and He tells me about it, and always
"BIBLICALLY". These references I give are scriptures I know I've read or
sometimes have to look up, but they're confirmable.
The truth is,these people wern't ready to hear it. So He says, pray for
this Christian Hipocryte, or this hostile, hateful Liberal, you don't know
what he's been through. Sometimes, without knowing how I know, He tells me
why and I do feel for them. Imangine that! In the midst of being attacked
and abused, I feel like crying for them and my heart truly goes out to
them. I've asked some later if the relationship turns around and what I've
been told was true.
One lesbian girl I worked with was quite the backstabber to me. Though she
is so hostile I can no longer work with her, and don't have to, we had a
short reprieve where we confided in each other. I was told in trying to be
patient with her that "a relative" had molested her for years and it was
continuing to destroy her in the present. It turned out she was suicidal
because of it.
These "premonitions" whatever you want to call them, are God's doing, not
mine. I had no experiences like this before I became a Christian. They're
called fruits of the Spirit. He brought me through some things that were so
bad, at the end I was stronger and life is better because He showed me, "I'm
here to help you through anything you need to go through." In other words,
bad things happen, and I will help you get through them, lean on Me.
He says, "Come as you are and receive me". Homosexuals, atheists, muslims,
buddists, murderers, ALL of us. He knows our hearts and if we HONESTLY come
to Him with our sin and say "I don't understand why this is wrong. Is it?
It is He who will reveal the truth. I don't feel any less guilty about my
addiction to smoking cigarrettes, (my regret), than a drug addict, or an
alcoholic, or a pervert, addicted to sex. God hates the sin, not us.
Is homosexuality wrong for those who God made that way? I have to
differentiate between what I call true homosexuals, (80% of the population.)
They are not perverts and petophiles and drug addicted mollestors, but the
hard working, honest, and yes normal ones.
The hermaphrodites, those born with both sets of genitals, one on the inside
and one on the out. So outcast in society, some have gone mad and drawn
themselves and others to perversion, full of hate and selfishness-- but
that's only an obnoxous 20% of the population. I believe these are the only
ones truly "BORN" this way.
Now I've done it, I've stirred up the minority extremists of the homosexual
population. You would find if you knew me that "banning christianity"
and/or christians, or me would not be agreeable to most of your population.
I have advocates who would vouch for my character in rhe homosexual
population. One dear friend died last year of AIDS and I still mourn him.
I find, "normal" non-hateful homosexuals very refreshing.
Back to the questions at hand. So if you seek God honestly and say to Him,
( God, if you are real, and I am your child, and there is an enemy, and I am
in danger, and you did send your dearest, your best to pay the price for the
sin in my life that I can't control in a way which I don't quite understand,
then of course, I want the truth. I want to know and if it's true, and if
it is, I need to depend on you to get me out of here and I'm yours. I accept
Christ and understand your sacrifice in Christ's name. Show me God. Just
you and me. Send someone, talk to me, send me a miracle or a sign I can't
miss. Show me in a way only a real God could.
Understand though, God is not a genie to grant our wishes, nor an amusement
park host. He's not going to let Hitler have a free tour of heaven to look
around then go back to exterminating the minorities of the world. Sorry,
membership is required before you get to know more of what's going on in the
mind of God and heaven. We are at war, and not with each other... yes,
"principalities and powers" --Satan and his henchmen. Don't underestimate
them. On our own against him, we're history, but with God, Satan is
So in summary, I believe we are all in the same boat with one constant
ahead. We will all die, unless Jesus takes us home in an instant in the
rapture to come. All the good we desire in life, all the joy, fun,
adventure, fulfillment, true love, friendship, family, God is all those
But you've got to understand, God's running reconnossance right now. He
sees what's coming and His goal is to save as many as He can through Jesus.
He made Jesus human to live as a man and be our bridge back to Him. (That
of course is your own personal search as well).
My father wasn't sure Christ was really the son of God until about 3 years
before he died. Healed 33 years of marriage to my mom from all the terrible
verbal fights they had, as if they'd never happened.
We're all headed for death and there's an enemy, a monster at the end
desperate to snatch us into hell if he can. Jesus came to lead us at death
to bypass hell and back to where we belong. I believe we are to call out
to Jesus in this life before death so we know where the hell to go, or
rather, where the hell NOT to go. (You can see I've got a ways to go in my
own use of profanity, not very godly, and I've had time to think about what
a big deal death is after losing my father 1 1/2 years ago).
When we go to heaven, we are cleansed and the "flesh" the condemned part is
left behind. We get lots of perks, some omniscience, a nice house Jesus
prepares for us, streets of gold,--imagine the most incredible beutiful
things on earth all rolled into one and Jesus says heaven is even more
beautiful than that.
When we get to heaven we won't be the same annoying people we may have been
here. Some Christians lazily believe that since they are saved they can
just slide through this life not really following God's lead and go on up to
heaven without really doing much after the "saved" part.
But oh what they miss. A closeness to God and the realization of the gifts
He's given us, our talents, a wonderful work for our life that feels like
"This is what I was meant to do. A passion for the privelage of using our
talents in our everyday life. From the homemaker, to the janitor to the
teacher, the doctor and sometimes even kings and princes, we all have a
calling to do better and use our gifts for good.
It comes down to God and getting real with Him, seeking truth and a
determination to find it. With honest and thorough determination, I
guarantee you'll find Jesus at the end of it. Maybe not now, but stay
honest and seeking and you will. We all will. If signs and wonders and
miracles could convince us all, He would do it. They do still happen, and
it's easy to doubt them, but not seemingly as often as in Jesus time.
The bible made little sense to me for years, even as a Christian until I was
baptized in the Holy Spirit. I just knew a part of the holy spirit as a
Christian and I'm still learning.
The closest I can come to describing "baptizm of the Holy Spirit" is what my
grandmother used to call Sisu. With no direct translation to English, but
she described "tough determination that just feels 100% right." Assurance
that you can do the impossible and the sense that you are going to succeed
in the impossible. An extra sence of Kindred spirits in people you
encounter. I may not have the description of the word right, but I was
little when she talked about it.
I still can't describe it fully. It's all about Him, who He is, about truth
and life and as Jesus said to "love EVERYONE as I have loved you." He loves
us as God does and that's why he went to that cross. If nothing else,
believer or not, you have to admire him for that.
"HC Andersen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On 27 Aug 2003 17:44:34 -0700, [email protected] (Cindy Duncan)
> wrote:
> >
> >Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
> >
> >There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
> >God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
> >Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
> >will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus. The
> >same applies to muslims, and other non-believers.
> I don't join clubs.
> I don't think jews have a hell, therefore they ain't going there.
[email protected] (Cindy Duncan) wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
They never were considered so except by themselves.
> There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
> God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
I've got news for you. On the assumption that Jesus actually existed, he
WAS a Jew. By the way he's dead, so he isn't saving anything (though as
he isn't burning oil or using electricity I guess you could say he's
saving energy I suppose).
> Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
> will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus.
So you are saying that if one Jew doesn't accept another they will be
eternally condemned. This seems a rather harsh punishment for a rather
triffling matter! Also what's "a jew in a mortal sinner"? Sounds a bit
rude to me?
"Cindy Duncan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
They never were.
Judaism is based on the stone age racist immorality of Old Testament, and
Islam is based on the stone age racist immorality of Mohammed. Both of
these religions use the example of racist murderers who were never
reproached and who never repented or sought forgiveness as an example for
people to model lives after. These kind of models were condemned by the
early church fathers since if it is all right for Mohammed or Joshua can
commit mass genocide and to rape and murder then why not anyone else
following them. Christ on the other hand was the perfect man who never
committed as sin and who never used violence against his fellow men. Christ
unconditionally forgave people unlike Joshua and Mohammed who exterminated
them. Christ preached acceptance of other people regardless of race whereas
the Tora and the Koran are overly racist. The Book of Esra encourages Jews
to hate foreigners and murder their children by foreigners and the Koran
encourages Muslims to become Arabs and hate Polytheists, Christians and Jews
and to go out and fight them. Both Judaism and Islam destroy peoples
cultural identity and are nothing more that nationalist ideologies, whereas
Christianity is not nationalistic and you don't have to learn Arabic or
Hebrew in order to become a Christian.
> There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
> God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
> Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
You mean a moral sinner. Idolising mass murderers like Joshua of Moses and
hating people because of their race or religion as is preached by the Old
Testament is not the way for people to live their lives. Christ revoked all
> will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus. The
POPPYCOCK. Only Islam condemns people to hell for not accepting it.
> same applies to muslims, and other non-believers.
"Cindy Duncan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
> There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
> God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
> Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
> will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus. The
> same applies to muslims, and other non-believers.
Damn, I was going to covert to Judaism as well, just I could be one of the
chosen people of god! But now your revelation has convinced me; burn the
But wait, you say Jesus came to save the world, how can this be when things
have been so steadily declining? How can it be when human pain and suffering
has increased since his coming? How can it be when we lost the Crusades, and
Constantinople to the 'evil' Muslims?
My conclusion: you're an idiot!
"Leicaddict" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I found Jesus on the LUG> he's shooting new tri-x 400 with M2 and pre
35mm/f2 ASPH
> --
> Leicaddict
> "Llanzlan Klazmon The 15th" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> > [email protected] (Cindy Duncan) wrote in
> > news:[email protected]:
> >
> > > HI THERE!
> > >
> > > Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
> >
> > They never were considered so except by themselves.
> >
> > >
> > > There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
> > > God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
> >
> > I've got news for you. On the assumption that Jesus actually existed, he
> > WAS a Jew. By the way he's dead, so he isn't saving anything (though as
> > he isn't burning oil or using electricity I guess you could say he's
> > saving energy I suppose).
> >
> > > Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
> > > will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus.
> >
> > So you are saying that if one Jew doesn't accept another they will be
> > eternally condemned. This seems a rather harsh punishment for a rather
> > triffling matter! Also what's "a jew in a mortal sinner"? Sounds a bit
> > rude to me?
> >
> > <SNIP>
> >
> >
> >
Christianity needs to be done away with
"HC Andersen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 02:55:27 GMT, "Neville Lindsay"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >Now that is the most perspicacious comment made on this ng this month. We
> >make our own hells and heavens in our minds, and if it ain't there,
> >you aren't going there.
> >
> >NL
> If you insist.
"Dan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Christianity needs to be done away with
No. It is the Old Testament that need to be done away with.
> "HC Andersen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 02:55:27 GMT, "Neville Lindsay"
> > <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > >
> > >Now that is the most perspicacious comment made on this ng this month.
> > >make our own hells and heavens in our minds, and if it ain't there,
> indeed
> > >you aren't going there.
> > >
> > >NL
> >
> >
> > If you insist.
> >
> >
> >
> No. It is the Old Testament that need to be done away with.
If that is the case, then any other edition like the New Testament is just
as false, even more so, being a filtered version etc
"Agamemnon" <[email protected]_SPAM> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Dan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Christianity needs to be done away with
> No. It is the Old Testament that need to be done away with.
> > "HC Andersen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > > On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 02:55:27 GMT, "Neville Lindsay"
> > > <[email protected]> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > >Now that is the most perspicacious comment made on this ng this
> We
> > > >make our own hells and heavens in our minds, and if it ain't there,
> > indeed
> > > >you aren't going there.
> > > >
> > > >NL
> > >
> > >
> > > If you insist.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
"Dan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> > No. It is the Old Testament that need to be done away with.
> If that is the case, then any other edition like the New Testament is just
> as false, even more so, being a filtered version etc
The New Testament negates the Old Testament.
The God of Christianity is Jesus Christ not Jehovah.
> "Agamemnon" <[email protected]_SPAM> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > "Dan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > > Christianity needs to be done away with
> >
> > No. It is the Old Testament that need to be done away with.
> >
> > > "HC Andersen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > > news:[email protected]...
> > > > On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 02:55:27 GMT, "Neville Lindsay"
> > > > <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >Now that is the most perspicacious comment made on this ng this
> month.
> > We
> > > > >make our own hells and heavens in our minds, and if it ain't there,
> > > indeed
> > > > >you aren't going there.
> > > > >
> > > > >NL
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > If you insist.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
Cindy Duncan wrote:
> Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
NJeither are Christians, honey; at least not your kind. What makes you
think you even have the right or knowledge to decide who and what God
chooses? Haven't you heard of the Sin of Pride?
> There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
> God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
> Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
> will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus. The
> same applies to muslims, and other non-believers.
Jesus never spoke about hell; that's the fiction of the heretics Paul
and St. John the Baptist. Jesus spoke of love, and accepting others,
not making sweeping judgements about them.
It is you who are the heretic, the blasphemer, the sinner. It is only
you who presume to have chosen yourself to speak what you think is God's
desires. But that is heresy, and vanity.
Burn, baby, burn.
Mike Cleven
"Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects."
- Lester B. Pearson
"I'm surrounded by nincompoops!"
- Eric Von Zipper, "Beach Blanket Bingo"
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On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 01:22:22 GMT, "William Graham" <[email protected]>
>> >
>> > If you insist.
>Why would anyone, knowing that Heaven is full of devout Christians, want to
>spend eternity there anyway? - Just let me have a nice long sleep, please!
Most Christians aren't too Christian-like. It's better to be an
Athiest than to be a hypocrite.
Dan <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Christianity needs to be done away with
> "HC Andersen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 02:55:27 GMT, "Neville Lindsay"
> > <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > >
> > >Now that is the most perspicacious comment made on this ng this month.
> > >make our own hells and heavens in our minds, and if it ain't there,
> indeed
> > >you aren't going there.
> > >
> > >NL
> >
> >
> > If you insist.
Why would anyone, knowing that Heaven is full of devout Christians, want to
spend eternity there anyway? - Just let me have a nice long sleep, please!
"HC Andersen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On 27 Aug 2003 17:44:34 -0700, [email protected] (Cindy Duncan)
> wrote:
> >
> >Jews are not considered the "chosen people" anymore.
> >
> >There was a time when jews were considered to be the chosen people of
> >God. Since then, Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the world.
> >Anyone who still considers themselves a jew in a mortal sinner and
> >will be condmened to hell for eternity unless they accept Jesus. The
> >same applies to muslims, and other non-believers.
> I don't join clubs.
> I don't think jews have a hell, therefore they ain't going there.
Now that is the most perspicacious comment made on this ng this month. We
make our own hells and heavens in our minds, and if it ain't there, indeed
you aren't going there.