
07/07/2004 11:22 AM

Need cabinet and/or drawer refacing in Colorado

I had some cabinets built by a "cabinetmaker" who did a cr*ppy job-
veneers started lifting before he was even done and he hasn't/won't do
the repairs. The cabinet doors are ok, but I'd like a hard finish put
on them instead of the oil finish, and I need the door fronts redone.
They're simple maple. If you do the work or have a recommendation,
please email me.

Since I would have been happier with anything of the Home Depot
variety, I even consider a commercial refacing company. It can't be
worse than Mark Wood's "Elk Ridge construction" job (or whatever he's
calling himself back in Iowa now) :-((

Kate, http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~kolina/advantages-of-formula.html
"You can tell the quality of a person by how they treat people they
don't need." ~ a wise dad

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PY-teenAP/ For older attached kids'
parents. :-)

This topic has 4 replies


[email protected] (Minorite)

in reply to [email protected] (Kate) on 07/07/2004 11:22 AM

08/07/2004 1:29 PM

hi kate
where are you located in co.?


in reply to [email protected] (Kate) on 07/07/2004 11:22 AM

09/07/2004 8:08 AM

[email protected] (Minorite) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> hi kate
> where are you located in co.?



in reply to [email protected] (Kate) on 07/07/2004 11:22 AM

09/07/2004 8:14 AM

"Mike Hide" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<GYoHc.46252$%_6.2194@attbi_s01>...
> Kate this seems a case where you could take him to small claims court, where
> you represent yourself before a judge. At least you should be able tp recoup
> your losses or at least get a judgement to cover correcting the
> difficiencies in the work ....mjh

yeah, I know. I need to find him though, don't I? he left Greely and
moved back to someplace in Iowa where he grew up. he only used cell
phones since he was never home... John Kemp of Timberlake Builders
recommended him, but as it turns out, he left the job unfinished after
failing to record a $24,000 payment- and afgter he had paid Mark Wood
for the cabinets. I'm sure John has contact information on Mark but
he sure isn't giving it to me.

sad that these people came highly recommended for some odd reason...

Kate, http://systems.cs.colorado.edu/~kolina/advantages-of-formula.html
(new,working URL) "You can
tell the quality of a person by how they treat people they don't
~ a wise dad

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PY-teenAP/ For older attached kids'
parents. :-)


"Mike Hide"

in reply to [email protected] (Kate) on 07/07/2004 11:22 AM

09/07/2004 4:14 AM

Kate this seems a case where you could take him to small claims court, where
you represent yourself before a judge. At least you should be able tp recoup
your losses or at least get a judgement to cover correcting the
difficiencies in the work ....mjh

"Kate" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I had some cabinets built by a "cabinetmaker" who did a cr*ppy job-
> veneers started lifting before he was even done and he hasn't/won't do
> the repairs. The cabinet doors are ok, but I'd like a hard finish put
> on them instead of the oil finish, and I need the door fronts redone.
> They're simple maple. If you do the work or have a recommendation,
> please email me.
> Since I would have been happier with anything of the Home Depot
> variety, I even consider a commercial refacing company. It can't be
> worse than Mark Wood's "Elk Ridge construction" job (or whatever he's
> calling himself back in Iowa now) :-((
> =====
> Kate, http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~kolina/advantages-of-formula.html
> "You can tell the quality of a person by how they treat people they
> don't need." ~ a wise dad
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PY-teenAP/ For older attached kids'
> parents. :-)

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