
[email protected] (Chris Martin)

07/07/2004 10:05 AM

Pocket screws and interior doors

Hi all. I'm contemplating building a handful of interior doors for the
shack and I'm wondering if it would be wise to use pocket screws to
connect rail to stile rather than the more traditional dowel or
mortise-tenon joinery. I can certainly assemble a door more quickly
using screws (and glue). But...is a door put together this way up to
the wear-and-tear that doors are subject to? I'm thinking yes, but I'd
certainly like a few other opinions before I stumble forward with my


Chris Martin

This topic has 4 replies



in reply to [email protected] (Chris Martin) on 07/07/2004 10:05 AM

08/07/2004 1:17 AM

They're gonna kill me, but have you thought of sinking some big screws
through the stiles into the rails? Two at each joint, with glue, would be
pretty stout.
"Chris Martin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi all. I'm contemplating building a handful of interior doors for the
> shack and I'm wondering if it would be wise to use pocket screws to
> connect rail to stile rather than the more traditional dowel or
> mortise-tenon joinery. I can certainly assemble a door more quickly
> using screws (and glue). But...is a door put together this way up to
> the wear-and-tear that doors are subject to? I'm thinking yes, but I'd
> certainly like a few other opinions before I stumble forward with my
> plans.
> Thanks.
> Chris Martin



in reply to [email protected] (Chris Martin) on 07/07/2004 10:05 AM

07/07/2004 12:59 PM

Standard rail and stile router bits do the job - double sided bits are
available too, so you can do everything in one pass. I like to reinforce
the joints with dowels, too, though. It is fairly quick with dowel center
punches. Pocket holes would look ugly even if plugged. Perhaps if you were
going to laminate each rail and stile and hid the pocket holes on the inside
lamination, it would be OK, but that's going overboard for an interior door
and would be more work.


"Chris Martin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi all. I'm contemplating building a handful of interior doors for the
> shack and I'm wondering if it would be wise to use pocket screws to
> connect rail to stile rather than the more traditional dowel or
> mortise-tenon joinery. I can certainly assemble a door more quickly
> using screws (and glue). But...is a door put together this way up to
> the wear-and-tear that doors are subject to? I'm thinking yes, but I'd
> certainly like a few other opinions before I stumble forward with my
> plans.
> Thanks.
> Chris Martin



in reply to [email protected] (Chris Martin) on 07/07/2004 10:05 AM

07/07/2004 6:29 PM

Considering the weight involved and movement I would advise against using
pocket hole screws.

"Chris Martin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi all. I'm contemplating building a handful of interior doors for the
> shack and I'm wondering if it would be wise to use pocket screws to
> connect rail to stile rather than the more traditional dowel or
> mortise-tenon joinery. I can certainly assemble a door more quickly
> using screws (and glue). But...is a door put together this way up to
> the wear-and-tear that doors are subject to? I'm thinking yes, but I'd
> certainly like a few other opinions before I stumble forward with my
> plans.
> Thanks.
> Chris Martin


Bay Area Dave

in reply to [email protected] (Chris Martin) on 07/07/2004 10:05 AM

07/07/2004 5:14 PM

Chris Martin wrote:

> Hi all. I'm contemplating building a handful of interior doors for the
> shack and I'm wondering if it would be wise to use pocket screws to
> connect rail to stile rather than the more traditional dowel or
> mortise-tenon joinery. I can certainly assemble a door more quickly
> using screws (and glue). But...is a door put together this way up to
> the wear-and-tear that doors are subject to? I'm thinking yes, but I'd
> certainly like a few other opinions before I stumble forward with my
> plans.
> Thanks.
> Chris Martin
are you gonna try to hide the screws with plugs? I use
pocket screws all the time, but not for anytime they would
be visible.


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