My face frame paint job had been resolved...sanded the paint smooth, sprayed
again. It is not perfect but it is even in sheen and smooth, plenty good
enough for my needs. I did that Thursday AM, will probably put it on the
cabinet Monday, wanted the paint to be well dried first.
I am now woking on the the vanities themselves. Just cut up some 3/4 sheets
of birch into tablesaw manageable sizes, will trim them to size for the
sides and bottoms of the vanity cabinets. After that, I have to dress a
bunch of poplar for the face frames, top web frame, glue blocks, etc. Two
side ends need to be veneered, got a 2' x 8' piece of khaya veneer on the
way, shou;d arrive Monday.
Here's a montage of the whole works. Use + or - keys to change size.
Winters getting colder? Tired of the rat race?
Taxes out of hand? Maybe just ready for a change?
Check it out...
dadiOH wrote:
> My face frame paint job had been resolved...sanded the paint smooth,
> sprayed again. It is not perfect but it is even in sheen and smooth,
> plenty good enough for my needs. I did that Thursday AM, will
> probably put it on the cabinet Monday, wanted the paint to be well
> dried first.
> Picture...
Drat. The top 2 images are before, bottom 2 after.
dadiOH wrote:
> My face frame paint job had been resolved...sanded the paint smooth,
> sprayed again. It is not perfect but it is even in sheen and smooth,
> plenty good enough for my needs. I did that Thursday AM, will
> probably put it on the cabinet Monday, wanted the paint to be well
> dried first.
Congratulations! It's good when it all comes together, isn't it?
[email protected]