Rick Samuel wrote:
> Saw one set of plans, but don't remember where.
> Had drawers, left & right, floor standing. Looks
> functional. Good price for the plans, 3.99 or 4
> bucks. Anyone know where. Not Rockler. Thanks.
Google "router table plans" and take a look at the fifth hit.
Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)
Thats it. Thanks
J. Clarke wrote:
> Rick Samuel wrote:
>>Saw one set of plans, but don't remember where.
>>Had drawers, left & right, floor standing. Looks
>>functional. Good price for the plans, 3.99 or 4
>>bucks. Anyone know where. Not Rockler. Thanks.
> Google "router table plans" and take a look at the fifth hit.