Check out Woodpecker Hardwoods in St. James on Long Island. John over
there will beat any price on hardwoods and is getting all kinds of
exotics in. He's even got a 10 board foot piece of pink ivory on hand!
Kevin J. Morgan <[email protected]>
The Long Island Woodworker's Club @
The Long Island Woodturner's Association @
The Astronomical Society of Long Island @
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I believe that this company offers a discount to the Long Island Woodworkers
Club. Could be, then, close to a wash.
"Chad Bender" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 21:46:07 -0400, Kevin Morgan wrote:
> >
> You had my hopes up there for a moment. While the prices do seem cheaper
> than I've seen at other places here on the island, they are not cheaper
> than I can get via mail order including shipping. Sure, there is something
> to be said for picking out your boards. But I'm not quite ready to pay
> 20% extra for that luxury. I will have to keep the place in mind next
> time I need a small amount of something to finish up a project.
> Chad Bender
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 21:46:07 -0400, Kevin Morgan wrote:
You had my hopes up there for a moment. While the prices do seem cheaper
than I've seen at other places here on the island, they are not cheaper
than I can get via mail order including shipping. Sure, there is something
to be said for picking out your boards. But I'm not quite ready to pay
20% extra for that luxury. I will have to keep the place in mind next
time I need a small amount of something to finish up a project.
Chad Bender