Kevin Morgan

27/07/2004 1:46 AM

Best Wood Prices on Long Island!

Check out Woodpecker Hardwoods in St. James on Long Island. John over
there will beat any price on hardwoods and is getting all kinds of
exotics in. He's even got a 10 board foot piece of pink ivory on hand!

Kevin J. Morgan <[email protected]>
The Long Island Woodworker's Club @
The Long Island Woodturner's Association @
The Astronomical Society of Long Island @
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This topic has 2 replies


"Bill Leonhardt"

in reply to Kevin Morgan on 27/07/2004 1:46 AM

27/07/2004 12:42 PM

I believe that this company offers a discount to the Long Island Woodworkers
Club. Could be, then, close to a wash.

"Chad Bender" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 21:46:07 -0400, Kevin Morgan wrote:
> >
> You had my hopes up there for a moment. While the prices do seem cheaper
> than I've seen at other places here on the island, they are not cheaper
> than I can get via mail order including shipping. Sure, there is something
> to be said for picking out your boards. But I'm not quite ready to pay
> 20% extra for that luxury. I will have to keep the place in mind next
> time I need a small amount of something to finish up a project.
> Chad Bender


Chad Bender

in reply to Kevin Morgan on 27/07/2004 1:46 AM

27/07/2004 9:55 AM

On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 21:46:07 -0400, Kevin Morgan wrote:


You had my hopes up there for a moment. While the prices do seem cheaper
than I've seen at other places here on the island, they are not cheaper
than I can get via mail order including shipping. Sure, there is something
to be said for picking out your boards. But I'm not quite ready to pay
20% extra for that luxury. I will have to keep the place in mind next
time I need a small amount of something to finish up a project.

Chad Bender

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