> From: [email protected] (Tim Howells)
> Subject: Summonses Served on Bush/Cheney for Explanation of September 11
> Date: 8 Jan 2004 08:35:48 -0800
> Newsgroups:
> alt.politics,alt.conspiracy.jfk,soc.culture.usa,talk.politics.mideast
> Message-ID: <[email protected]>
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article5479.htm
> President Served Friday With Personal 9-11 RICO Complaint
> President Bush Served Friday With Personal 9-11 RICO Complaint
> PHILADELPHIA -- January 6, 2003 (TomFlocco.com) -- On Friday, Philip J.
> Berg, attorney for 9-11 widow Ellen Mariani in her Racketeer Influenced
> and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) suit seeking to hold President Bush
> and various government officials accountable for the September 11 attacks,
> served Bush and top officials in his Administration with a personal
> summons, the original complaint and the first amended complaint via a
> federal process server, as required by the Federal Rules of Civil
> Procedure.
> Among those served besides the President, were Vice-President Richard
> Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Attorney General John
> Ashcroft, Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet, National
> Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Transportation Norman
> Mineta, 9-11 Congressional Victim Compensation Fund Special Master Kenneth
> Feinberg, former Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein, Zacarias Moussaoui, and
> former President George H. W. Bush.
> The legal documents were also filed at the Philadelphia office of United
> States Attorney Patrick Meehan, former Republican District Attorney from
> Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
> Berg told TomFlocco.com "the multiple summonses and complaints were filed
> last week in Philadelphia; and they require an answer within 60 days,"
> adding "we feel confident that we'll be successful, and that the evidence
> in this case is so strong, it will lead to the end of the Bush
> presidency."
> Berg also told us "we're currently preparing written interrogatories and
> subpoenas so that we'll be able to keep the discovery of evidence and
> multiple investigations moving forward at a reasonable pace."
> For her part, plaintiff Ellen Mariani told us last night that "There was
> ample warning of these attacks; and now I hear from news reports that
> Condoleezza Rice doesn't want to testify publicly under oath about all the
> intelligence briefings which warned about planes flying into buildings.
> What does she have to hide?"
> The widow continued, "Our Congress created new laws to protect themselves,
> the White House and the insurance corporations. Insurance lobbyists even
> talked to representatives and senators on the afternoon of the attacks."
> "And then Mr. Ashcroft's lawyers stalled the New York City airline and
> airport security lawsuits and investigations to force destitute victim
> families into the Federal Compensation Fund. But they had to sign an
> agreement promising never to sue the government about 9-11 evidence," she
> said. "So I decided to file another suit; but this one includes everyone."
> Copyright: Tom Flacco.com
On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 09:24:47 -0800, Fly-by-Night CC
<[email protected]> brought forth from the murky depths:
>In article <[email protected]>,
> "KYHighlander" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> It is an election year, The Dems will pull every dirty trick in the book to
>> get back POWER. The press will help every way they can just like always.
>> Better get used to the gay wedding thing because when the Dems get it back
>> they'll have to repay their single biggest voting block.
>It is an election year , The Repubs will pull every dirty trick in the
>book to retain POWER. The airwaves will help every way they can just
>like always. Better get used to the energy/pharma/outsourcing things
>because if the Repubs keep it they'll have to repay their biggest voting
My solution: I won't ever again vote for a repugnican or democrip.
We all need to vote for the person we think would do the best job,
not who's on the party ticket. Until then, the two most corrupt
parties are fully in charge of our lives.
We can change or we can shut up and live with it. It's our choice.
What'll yours be?
After all else fails, read the instructions.
Website Design and Update http://www.diversify.com
In article <[email protected]>, Righteous Nation <[email protected]> wrote:
[snip BS]
Filter file has been updated to include this bozo
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
It is an election year, The Dems will pull every dirty trick in the book to
get back POWER. The press will help every way they can just like always.
Better get used to the gay wedding thing because when the Dems get it back
they'll have to repay their single biggest voting block.
sorry for the off topic post, couldn't help myself.
"Larry Blanchard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Does anyone know if the summons is real or not? If it is real,
> it would be an interesting test of executive branch power,
> regardless of which side you're on.
> --
> Where ARE those Iraqi WMDs?
That's it, Owen, I'm not buying you damn shim!!!
JK - You made your point. Back to woodworking, boys, you are never
going to convert anyone anyway.
> It is an election year , The Repubs will pull every dirty trick in the
> book to retain POWER. The airwaves will help every way they can just
> like always. Better get used to the energy/pharma/outsourcing things
> because if the Repubs keep it they'll have to repay their biggest voting
> blocks.
Fly-by-Night CC <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> [email protected] (BIG JOE) wrote:
> > That's it, Owen, I'm not buying you damn shim!!!
> Ouch! You really know how to hit a guy where it hurts. (But not much,
> I'm almost at the point of "retiring" from the shim biz anyway.)
Don't retire it yet. I still use a PC Type II that my buddy owns
which is badly in need of a shim job. I just haven't gotten around to
asking him if he wants me to f*** with it.
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] (BIG JOE) wrote:
> That's it, Owen, I'm not buying you damn shim!!!
Ouch! You really know how to hit a guy where it hurts. (But not much,
I'm almost at the point of "retiring" from the shim biz anyway.)
Owen Lowe and his Fly-by-Night Copper Company
Offering a shim for the Porter-Cable 557 type 2 fence design.
In article <[email protected]>,
"KYHighlander" <[email protected]> wrote:
> It is an election year, The Dems will pull every dirty trick in the book to
> get back POWER. The press will help every way they can just like always.
> Better get used to the gay wedding thing because when the Dems get it back
> they'll have to repay their single biggest voting block.
It is an election year , The Repubs will pull every dirty trick in the
book to retain POWER. The airwaves will help every way they can just
like always. Better get used to the energy/pharma/outsourcing things
because if the Repubs keep it they'll have to repay their biggest voting
Owen Lowe and his Fly-by-Night Copper Company
Offering a shim for the Porter-Cable 557 type 2 fence design.
In article <[email protected]>,
Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> wrote:
> What'll yours be?
Al Kyder for Prez!
Owen Lowe and his Fly-by-Night Copper Company
Offering a shim for the Porter-Cable 557 type 2 fence design.