
12/01/2011 3:41 PM

Finishing suggestions

I than everyone for some very good thoughts on the path I should take. I
will review every suggestion and formulate a plan to attack this. HAving
continued to sand off the old finish and stain, I have discovered a
seperation in the op at the opposite end of the table from which I usually
sit, so once I have it rough sanded, I will have to address this issue.
Since I will now have to take the top off, my finishing options now become
wide open, as it will be small enough sections to transport away from the
base (now 2- 4x4+/- with the 2 leaves).

I am not planning to refinish the base, just the top so this should be a
plus, as I will probably be looking at opening up the split on the table saw
and then glueing them back together, using a thin kerf blade should minimize
dimension loss on the top.

Again, thanx all
