I wrote an online dovetail template generator, and have now added a
twisted dovetail template generator. But as I'm not a woodworker, I'm
not sure its set up correctly. If someone who knows about these joints
would take a look and let me know if it is how it should be I'd
appreciate it.
It lives here
Thanks for any feedback
"Blocklayer" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi
> I wrote an online dovetail template generator, and have now added a
> twisted dovetail template generator. But as I'm not a woodworker, I'm
> not sure its set up correctly. If someone who knows about these joints
> would take a look and let me know if it is how it should be I'd
> appreciate it.
> It lives here
> http://www.blocklayer.com/Woodjoints/DovetailTwistEng.aspx
> Thanks for any feedback
Twisted is a good description... I cannot see how you could slide the pins
between the tails without the pins' "sides" being parallel to each other
(not sure that is the best way to articulate this...). Put another way,
there is no way to put these joints together unless you are doing some kind
of rising dovetail thing a la Roy Underhill. As it is now some of your tails
are like pins and some of your pins are like tails!
"Blocklayer" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Try placing the inner edges together at 45 degrees, and slide in to 90
> degrees
Sounds like what I referred to as rising dovetails... Roy Underhill has done
a couple shows with them: the puzzle mallet and a stand of some sort (quilt