>Anyone in CT have either of the two saws that they would be willing to
>let me look at?
I'm not near you, but I have the MiniMax 16. I think it is tremendous. Here are
the pros and cons.
Laguna: You have to consider pnly the HD, as it is the closest rival. The fit
and finish, and the fence are better. The table tilts better. The ceramic
guides are better for the blade (unless they are too close, then they will
abrade the steel band)
MiniMax: heavier, that arm is a heavier piece of steel, so it can handle the
increased tension of a carbide blade (Lenox recommends 30,000 psi,no problem
for the MM). The MM's motor does not run as hot; also MM's customer service is
far superior.
The Laguna is a great saw, and you would not regret it. I just think the
MiniMax is better. If you were looking at both, then bring the same blade, and
do a large resaw job with both. Check th equality of the cut, and also feel the
motor. There are some teports that th eLaguna will bog down. Frankly, that I
don't buy.
The MiniMax dust collection is better, and the lower guide is right beneath the
table, a better place for it.