Lafayette, we are here - sort of. My web page is up. Its a little early,
but I'd
like to find out how quickly the .pdf free stuff is downloading for whoever
want it. I'll constantly be adding to the free items as I cronicle the jobs
doing. My mail order products section won't be ready for awhile, but it is
coming, its not exactly bird-feeder rocking chair type stuff, some of it's wood
computer accessories, definitely not available at Office Max, so drop in once
in a while! Just go to
"BUB 209" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Lafayette, we are here - sort of. My web page is up. Its a little
> but I'd
> like to find out how quickly the .pdf free stuff is downloading for
> might
> want it. I'll constantly be adding to the free items as I cronicle the
> I'm
> doing. My mail order products section won't be ready for awhile, but it
> coming, its not exactly bird-feeder rocking chair type stuff, some of it's
> computer accessories, definitely not available at Office Max, so drop in
> in a while! Just go to
Damn, looking at the subject line I thought you had a post about my wood
Anyway, to dl the shutter pdf, from click to finis was about 18 seconds with
a DSL line.
Ed (who does have wood!)
>Damn, looking at the subject line I thought you had a post about my wood
>Anyway, to dl the shutter pdf, from click to finis was about 18 seconds with
>a DSL line.
>Ed (who does have wood!)
Man, I knew that would come up some
where along the line, getting my domain
name was too easy. Your company's
called Ed's Woods? I guess we should
add the disclaimer, "not affiliated with
bad science fiction movies from the
Ed, my download averaged 130kbs. Pretty good I would say.
OTOH, all of your links open a new browser window. Maybe that's what you
wanted, but I find it less than pleasing. Also, check your HOME button
links. More than one of them links to index.html, which doesn't exist,
instead of index.htm, which does.
Oh, thanks for the free stuff too.
Bill Pounds
"BUB 209" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Lafayette, we are here - sort of. My web page is up. Its a little
> but I'd
> like to find out how quickly the .pdf free stuff is downloading for
> might
> want it. I'll constantly be adding to the free items as I cronicle the
> I'm
> doing. My mail order products section won't be ready for awhile, but it
> coming, its not exactly bird-feeder rocking chair type stuff, some of it's
> computer accessories, definitely not available at Office Max, so drop in
> in a while! Just go to
[email protected]
"Ward Cleaver" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> > Damn, looking at the subject line I thought you had a post about my
> > wood supply.
> >
> > Anyway, to dl the shutter pdf, from click to finis was about 18
> > seconds with a DSL line.
> > Ed (who does have wood!)
> >
> >
> >
> Where did you find the link for the plans. Clicked on every page
> but can't find the pdf's
Click on the big parts that says:
Free Plans and
Other Good Stuff
If you have Acrobat Reader
and a few minutes of uninterrupted
electrical current, maybe you'll
find something you need, here. If you work with CG, here are some original
wood textures you might want.
It will open up in Acrobat.
[email protected]