"David F. Eisan"

27/06/2004 6:06 PM

Odd Clamping (w/pics)

Hello everyone,

My cabinets are assembled with a variety of joinery techniques, face
screwing, pocket screwing and cookies, whatever each situation called for or
allowed. The lower shelf that this face frame attaches to will be seen on
both sides, so I was not able to use pocket screws to attach it like I did
on the hidden sides. I used a couple of #20 biscuits in the plywood case to
face frame to attach the face frame. In most kitchens the face frame would
just have been nailed on, but nails are better left for carpentry, not,
ahem, fine cabinetry. Since this is a corner cabinet, I had to have a way of
clamping the face frame square at the front, but to a triangle on the back.
I took some scrap melamine (is that redundant?) and cut a 90º wedge out of
it and a two holes for the ends of the clamps. It worked very well. I have
three cabinets like this in the kitchen, so this jig it will be used a few
more times.





Every neighbourhood has one, in mine, I'm him.

Remove the "splinter" from my email address to email me.

This topic has 2 replies


[email protected] (TinkOrgYdS)

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 27/06/2004 6:06 PM

27/06/2004 9:21 PM

Clever clamping arrangement on the corner cabinet. I like the clear finish on
the cabinets under the sink drainboard ;)



in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 27/06/2004 6:06 PM

27/06/2004 8:13 PM

Slick trick, David.
Good job.

"David F. Eisan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hello everyone,
> My cabinets are assembled with a variety of joinery techniques, face
> screwing, pocket screwing and cookies, whatever each situation called for
> allowed. The lower shelf that this face frame attaches to will be seen on
> both sides, so I was not able to use pocket screws to attach it like I did
> on the hidden sides. I used a couple of #20 biscuits in the plywood case
> face frame to attach the face frame. In most kitchens the face frame would
> just have been nailed on, but nails are better left for carpentry, not,
> ahem, fine cabinetry. Since this is a corner cabinet, I had to have a way
> clamping the face frame square at the front, but to a triangle on the
> I took some scrap melamine (is that redundant?) and cut a 90º wedge out of
> it and a two holes for the ends of the clamps. It worked very well. I have
> three cabinets like this in the kitchen, so this jig it will be used a few
> more times.
> http://www.federatedtool.com/david/img/oddclamp1.jpg
> http://www.federatedtool.com/david/img/oddclamp2.jpg
> Thanks,
> David.
> Every neighbourhood has one, in mine, I'm him.
> Remove the "splinter" from my email address to email me.

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