
[email protected] (Ted Harvard)

19/06/2004 10:07 PM

I think wood is obsolete today, plastic is better

We should use only plastic and let the poor trees in peace.

Plastic is the far superior material and wood is outdated - maggots
and worms will eat it and it won't last for centuries as plastic does.

So I recommend to change to plasticworking or create artificial wood
that kills critters who try to eat it.

This topic has 12 replies



in reply to [email protected] (Ted Harvard) on 19/06/2004 10:07 PM

20/06/2004 8:21 AM

Nah!!! don't want to severely impact the plastic rainforest!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Ted Harvard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> We should use only plastic and let the poor trees in peace.
> Plastic is the far superior material and wood is outdated - maggots
> and worms will eat it and it won't last for centuries as plastic does.
> So I recommend to change to plasticworking or create artificial wood
> that kills critters who try to eat it.


in reply to "SwampBug" on 20/06/2004 8:21 AM

20/06/2004 2:31 PM

Plastic is for people with no sense of style and no imagination.



in reply to [email protected] (Ted Harvard) on 19/06/2004 10:07 PM

21/06/2004 2:39 AM

"Ted Harvard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> We should use only plastic and let the poor trees in peace.
> Plastic is the far superior material and wood is outdated - maggots
> and worms will eat it and it won't last for centuries as plastic does.
> So I recommend to change to plasticworking or create artificial wood
> that kills critters who try to eat it.

Wood is:
Renewable resource

Plastic is neither.


"Jerry Shaw"

in reply to [email protected] (Ted Harvard) on 19/06/2004 10:07 PM

20/06/2004 12:45 AM

"Ted Harvard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

>...or create artificial wood that kills critters who try to eat it.

My mom did that years ago, she called it "meatloaf".


Bay Area Dave

in reply to [email protected] (Ted Harvard) on 19/06/2004 10:07 PM

23/06/2004 7:52 PM

rj wrote:

> "gary" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>"Ted Harvard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>news:[email protected]...
>>>We should use only plastic and let the poor trees in peace.
>>>Plastic is the far superior material and wood is outdated - maggots
>>>and worms will eat it and it won't last for centuries as plastic does.
>>>So I recommend to change to plasticworking or create artificial wood
>>>that kills critters who try to eat it.
>>Wood is:
>>Renewable resource
>>Plastic is neither.
>>(Sorry if this posts twicew.)
> I'd rather use something that grows on trees than something that comes out
> of an oil well. (there's a surprising number of plastic products made of
> wood pulp too)
> RJ
I've got an all-wood deck. It is rotted. The next one will
be made from Trex and won't rot!




in reply to [email protected] (Ted Harvard) on 19/06/2004 10:07 PM

21/06/2004 2:41 AM

"Ted Harvard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> We should use only plastic and let the poor trees in peace.
> Plastic is the far superior material and wood is outdated - maggots
> and worms will eat it and it won't last for centuries as plastic does.
> So I recommend to change to plasticworking or create artificial wood
> that kills critters who try to eat it.

Wood is:
Renewable resource

Plastic is neither.

(Sorry if this posts twicew.)



in reply to [email protected] (Ted Harvard) on 19/06/2004 10:07 PM

23/06/2004 7:39 PM

"gary" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Ted Harvard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > We should use only plastic and let the poor trees in peace.
> >
> > Plastic is the far superior material and wood is outdated - maggots
> > and worms will eat it and it won't last for centuries as plastic does.
> >
> > So I recommend to change to plasticworking or create artificial wood
> > that kills critters who try to eat it.
> Wood is:
> Biodegradable
> Renewable resource
> Plastic is neither.
> Gary
> (Sorry if this posts twicew.)
I'd rather use something that grows on trees than something that comes out
of an oil well. (there's a surprising number of plastic products made of
wood pulp too)



in reply to [email protected] (Ted Harvard) on 19/06/2004 10:07 PM

19/06/2004 11:57 PM

"Ted Harvard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> We should use only plastic and let the poor trees in peace.
> Plastic is the far superior material and wood is outdated - maggots
> and worms will eat it and it won't last for centuries as plastic does.
> So I recommend to change to plasticworking or create artificial wood
> that kills critters who try to eat it.

why dont we quit using so much plastic and leave the poor arabs in peace.
plastic is made of oil.



Bruce Barnett

in reply to [email protected] (Ted Harvard) on 19/06/2004 10:07 PM

20/06/2004 1:49 PM

[email protected] (Ted Harvard) writes:

> We should use only plastic and let the poor trees in peace.
+-------------------+ .:\:\:/:/:.
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Sending unsolicited commercial e-mail to this account incurs a fee of
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Richard Cline

in reply to [email protected] (Ted Harvard) on 19/06/2004 10:07 PM

23/06/2004 4:15 PM

In article <[email protected]>, Bay Area
Dave <[email protected]> wrote:

Your wooden deck probably wasn't constructed properly to start wih. A
good deck should last forty years or longer. It needs to have the
proper deck supports, be constructed allow for air circulation, and use
woods that survive exposure.

Most of the external plastics I have seen start looking bad after a few
years. My plastic deck shairs have an ugly oxidized layer on the
surface. I am told that painting the schirs will not be very effective
in restoring them to the original shine. I suspect most external
plastics will show the effects of weather. They may even become brittle.


> I've got an all-wood deck. It is rotted. The next one will
> be made from Trex and won't rot!
> dave



in reply to [email protected] (Ted Harvard) on 19/06/2004 10:07 PM

20/06/2004 6:08 PM

It's OK. *spackle* sticks to most plastic for those of you interested
in doing intarsia or inlay work.


"Kevin Singleton"

in reply to [email protected] (Ted Harvard) on 19/06/2004 10:07 PM

23/06/2004 8:17 PM


Found: Iraqi WMDs! Please appear in person to claim!

"Richard Cline" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>, Bay Area
> Dave <[email protected]> wrote:
> Your wooden deck probably wasn't constructed properly to start wih. A
> good deck should last forty years or longer. It needs to have the
> proper deck supports, be constructed allow for air circulation, and use
> woods that survive exposure.
> Most of the external plastics I have seen start looking bad after a few
> years. My plastic deck shairs have an ugly oxidized layer on the
> surface. I am told that painting the schirs will not be very effective
> in restoring them to the original shine. I suspect most external
> plastics will show the effects of weather. They may even become brittle.
> Dick
> > I've got an all-wood deck. It is rotted. The next one will
> > be made from Trex and won't rot!
> >
> > dave
> >

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