

16/09/2003 10:13 PM

Laserkerf my impression

Just my impression of this $90.00 unit. I purchased one several months ago
and used it on my DW705. The cheap roller switch is mounted to close to the
laser making it very inconvenient to turn on and off. Accuracy, welllll,
lets say pretty accurate but my zero clearance insert is more accurate and
easier to use quickly.

The 2nd week of using the laser a small end piece of wood hit the glass
cover which broke and let the laser fill with saw dust. Totally useless
after that. I called the company and got an RMA no. to send back for
either a refund or repair. They received it 8-4-03 along with a note about
the switch location and the broken lens cover.

Finally after several e-mails it arrived back today. Still broke and
missing the rubber band that covers the adjustment wheel. Totally worthless
piece of junk ($90) worth.

So buyer beware. Might work good for some people but not this one. Low
tech tools have always served me well.
Just my 2 cents.