Dan Brown

20/09/2004 10:36 PM

Hardware source - Workbench in Shopnotes #75

I'm building the workbench in Shopnotes #75, and I like the lag bolts
they used. They're described in the article as "construction lag screws",
and they have a torx head and a copper-colored coating. I'm having trouble
finding them locally or online, though. According to the "sources" page,
they "are carried by several major home centers". Lowe's carries Hillman
fasteners, but not this one. Any ideas where I might go to find these?
Thanks for any suggestions!

Dan Brown, KE6MKS, [email protected]
"Since all the world is but a story, it were well for thee to buy the
more enduring story rather than the story that is less enduring."
-- The Judgment of St. Colum Cille