Hey all,
I was browsing for Morris Chair images on Google, when I came
across a web site which intrigued me. I remembered a post from Bill on
August 14, 2004, asking what were the legal ramification, ethics and
so on, from using and selling published designs. Many others posted
sapient replies and bits of wisdom on the topic. Well,..........the
picture says a thousand words...... Right out of wood
Magazine!................ Every last one of them!
I'm sure a few of you out there recognise these images. Let
me know what you think about it! Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to
add the link properly. Maybe someone can tell me how to do it right.
I'd say the magazine did not originate the items, it copied them.
While realizing you can say anything on a web site, you might want to read
the bottom.
"Our Heritage line is the second phase of resurrecting my great
grandfather's furniture lines built around the turn of the last century.
All stops have been pulled to ensure lasting quality that will span
generations to come."
"mrmortise" <pluckman@verizon.net> wrote in message
> Hey all,
> I was browsing for Morris Chair images on Google, when I came
> across a web site which intrigued me. I remembered a post from Bill on
> August 14, 2004, asking what were the legal ramification, ethics and
> so on, from using and selling published designs. Many others posted
> sapient replies and bits of wisdom on the topic. Well,..........the
> picture says a thousand words...... Right out of wood
> Magazine!................ Every last one of them!
> http://www.loonscall.com/heritage.htm
> I'm sure a few of you out there recognise these images. Let
> me know what you think about it! Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to
> add the link properly. Maybe someone can tell me how to do it right.
> Michael
"mrmortise" <pluckman@verizon.net> wrote in message
> . Well,..........the
> picture says a thousand words...... Right out of wood
> Magazine!................ Every last one of them!
> http://www.loonscall.com/heritage.htm
Are you sure? they look exactly like the ones I saw in the antique shop
downtown. Only difference is that this, by comparison, is very cheap. IIRC
the chair was $5000 or so.
On 20 Sep 2004 19:29:00 -0700, pluckman@verizon.net (mrmortise) calmly
>Hey all,
> I was browsing for Morris Chair images on Google, when I came
>across a web site which intrigued me. I remembered a post from Bill on
>August 14, 2004, asking what were the legal ramification, ethics and
>so on, from using and selling published designs. Many others posted
>sapient replies and bits of wisdom on the topic. Well,..........the
>picture says a thousand words...... Right out of wood
>Magazine!................ Every last one of them!
Woodsmith has a nice Morris chair and ottoman in their plans
this month.
> I'm sure a few of you out there recognise these images. Let
>me know what you think about it! Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to
>add the link properly. Maybe someone can tell me how to do it right.
If the magazine knows about these and Loons Call is still selling
plan reproductions, it may be OK with them and/or the author.
I don't know what Wood's policy is with plans but I'm willing to bet
that the mag strongly enforces its picture copyrights. Loon's Call
will be in a world of hurt when Wood's photographer finds out. Have
you called anonymously yet? <beg>
* Michelangelo would have made ** Website Programming
* better time with a roller. ** http://diversify.com