Just thought I pass along that Harbor Freight catalog 147-C shows
their 18 ga. 3/8 - 2" brad nailer on sale for 19.99. Item #
46309-4AFC. This is not the 1 3/16" max length nailer that is usually
talked about with a sale price of $10 or $15. I have one of the 1 3/16
nailers and it works fine, for $20 having another that shoots 2"
brads seems a no brainer. Now, if they'd only put a 15/16 ga on sale...
Larry Wasserman Baltimore, Maryland
[email protected]
"Lawrence Wasserman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> their 18 ga. 3/8 - 2" brad nailer on sale for 19.99. Item #
> 46309-4AFC. This is not the 1 3/16" max length nailer that is usually
Yeah - the 46309 is the one FWW took a look at. I bought it for this price.
It's a nice addition for the weekend warrior.