OK this is partly a bitch and moan post as much as about an event that
is enjoyable.
I was down at the local hardwood depot. Don't bet me wrong the people
there are friendly enough but not high on service. I needed to get 122
bf of Cherry for a project. I was buying 4/4 rough. The stack top was
over my head and had apparently been picked through at the top. I
asked one of the guys to pull the stack down with the fork lift so I
could get to it without having it fall on top of me. He came over and
looked at it above my head and said, "You're a tall guy you can get
them down. I'll just put some dunnage on the floor so you can stack
them there. I said oh, gee thanks. And thought your putting the
dunnage down there so you don't have to pick them up because that's
where I'm going to leave them when I'm done.
There was a lot of boards with sap wood and twisted boards. I had to
to half way down the stack to get color and decent boards. Since I
have to deal with these guys, I have no choice locally I stacked the
wood neatly on the dunnage.
Before I looked at the wood I needed to check price because it was
going to make a difference on what I made. The guy who has helped me
every other time I've been there told me it is $5.00 bf for 4/4, $5.25
bf for 6/4 and $5.75 bf for 8/4. When I got back up to the desk to pay
the guy behind the desk said 4/4 was $5.85 bf. I told they guy what
the other guy had said and he gave me the price saying you got a good
deal. I've asked them for a price list to avoid this but they will not
provide one.
This morning I am hurting all over. I guess I getting old. But I will
be forgetting all about the pains once I get started this morning in
the shop.
Happy woodworking.
ROYNEU wrote:
> OK this is partly a bitch and moan post as much as about an event that
> is enjoyable.
... snip
>. The stack top was
> over my head and had apparently been picked through at the top. I
> asked one of the guys to pull the stack down with the fork lift so I
> could get to it without having it fall on top of me. He came over and
> looked at it above my head and said, "You're a tall guy you can get
> them down. I'll just put some dunnage on the floor so you can stack
> them there... snip
> There was a lot of boards with sap wood and twisted boards. I had to
> to half way down the stack to get color and decent boards. Since I
> have to deal with these guys, I have no choice locally I stacked the
> wood neatly on the dunnage.
> Before I looked at the wood I needed to check price because it was
> going to make a difference on what I made. The guy who has helped me
> every other time I've been there told me it is $5.00 bf for 4/4, $5.25
> bf for 6/4 and $5.75 bf for 8/4. When I got back up to the desk to pay
> the guy behind the desk said 4/4 was $5.85 bf. I told they guy what
> the other guy had said and he gave me the price saying you got a good
> deal. I've asked them for a price list to avoid this but they will not
> provide one.
... snip
Roy, sounds like it would be worthwhile for you to look into on-line
ordering. I've gotten tired of the high price and low quality of the
cherry available to me locally so started ordering from Steve Wall Lumber
(there are other good internet dealers as well, check the archives). Thus
far, I've been very satisfied, they have never sent me anything that is
junk and the quality is way better than I could have gotten from my local
I was just unhappy with quality and price -- your experience would have
had me going elsewhere in a heartbeat; I don't take well to people who
treat me like crap and lie to me.
If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough